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PostGIS 1.5.

1 Manual
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SELECT ST_GeomFromEWKT(LINESTRING(5 5 5, 10 10 10)) as the_geom ) as foo;
--------GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(-2 3 1),LINESTRING(5 5 5,10 10 10),POLYGON((-7 4.2 2,-7.1 4.2
3,-7.1 4.3 2,-7 4.2 2)))

--Examples using new Array construct

SELECT ST_Union(ARRAY(SELECT the_geom FROM sometable));
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Union(ARRAY[ST_GeomFromText(LINESTRING(1 2, 3 4)),
ST_GeomFromText(LINESTRING(3 4, 4 5))])) As wktunion;
--wktunion--MULTILINESTRING((3 4,4 5),(1 2,3 4))

See Also

7.10 Linear Referencing

7.10.1 ST_Line_Interpolate_Point
ST_Line_Interpolate_Point Returns a point interpolated along a line. Second argument is a float8 between 0 and 1 representing
fraction of total length of linestring the point has to be located.

geometry ST_Line_Interpolate_Point(geometry a_linestring, float a_fraction);

Returns a point interpolated along a line. First argument must be a LINESTRING. Second argument is a float8 between 0 and 1
representing fraction of total linestring length the point has to be located.
See ST_Line_Locate_Point for computing the line location nearest to a Point.

Since release 1.1.1 this function also interpolates M and Z values (when present), while prior releases set them to 0.0.

Availability: 0.8.2, Z and M supported added in 1.1.1

This function supports 3d and will not drop the z-index.

PostGIS 1.5.1 Manual

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A linestring with the interpolated point at 20% position (0.20)

--Return point 20% along 2d line
SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_Line_Interpolate_Point(the_line, 0.20))
FROM (SELECT ST_GeomFromEWKT(LINESTRING(25 50, 100 125, 150 190)) as the_line) As foo;
---------------POINT(51.5974135047432 76.5974135047432)

--Return point mid-way of 3d line

SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_Line_Interpolate_Point(the_line, 0.5))
FROM (SELECT ST_GeomFromEWKT(LINESTRING(1 2 3, 4 5 6, 6 7 8)) as the_line) As foo;
-------------------POINT(3.5 4.5 5.5)

--find closest point on a line to a point or other geometry

SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Line_Interpolate_Point(foo.the_line, ST_Line_Locate_Point(foo.the_line , ST_GeomFromText(POINT(4 3)))))
FROM (SELECT ST_GeomFromText(LINESTRING(1 2, 4 5, 6 7)) As the_line) As foo;
---------------POINT(3 4)

See Also
ST_AsText,ST_AsEWKT,ST_Length, ST_Line_Locate_Point

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