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Formulas to calculate GS and CT

Ground Sampling Distance / Photo Scale

Leica ADS80 - direct digital work flow. The term Ground Sample
Distance (GSD) isused. For a desired map accuracy a certain GSD is
needed. The GSD results from sensor
altitude above ground, lens focal length and physical pixel size.
RC30 film based work flow. The term Photo Scale or Image Scale
is used. For a desired map accuracy a certain photo scale is needed. Photo
scale results of altitude above
ground and the focal length of the lens.
Leica ADS80
Ground Sampling Distance

Analog aerial camera

Photo Scale

Focal Plates (FPM)

SH81 Total 8 CCD lines with 12000 pixel each, pixel size 6.5 m.
Forward and backward one single line with 12000 pixels each.
In nadir one pair of lines staggered by half a pixel for total of 24000
pixels across track for optional postprocessed high resolution mode.
Nadir one set of 4 co-registered multispectral lines for Blue, Green,
Red and near Infra-red with 12000 pixels each.
SH82 Total 12 CCD lines with 12000 pixel each, pixel size 6.5 m.
Forward and backward one single line with 12000 pixels each.
In nadir one pair of lines staggered by half a pixel for total of 24000
pixels across track for optional postprocessed high resolution mode.
In nadir one set of 4 co-registered multispectral lines for Blue, Green,
Red and near Infra-red with 12000 pixels each.
In backward one set of 4 co-registered multispectral lines for Blue,
Green, Red and near Infra-red with 12000 pixels each.

FOV= 64 grados

ADS80 y ADS40

La Cmara ADS40 y ADS80

SH52 y

SH82 respectivamente poseen 12 bandas de

12,000 pixeles por arreglo CCD.
Dos en el Nadir desfasados pixel a 2 grados hacia delante
respecto de la vertical
Uno hacia delante a 27 grados respecto de la vertical
Uno hacia atrs a 14 grados respecto de la vertical.
Bandas R,G,B y N:
Un grupo en el nadir a 2 grados
Un grupo hacia atrs a 14 grados
Con respecto del Nadir, la banda hacia delante estara a 25 grados, y la banda posterior a
16 grados.

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