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VSTHost Version History

Before V1.54, VSTHost's history could only be found on KvR (see
for details); since I can't expect that everyone knows this, I'll keep track
of the changes here, too.
You can mentally add "Lots of bug fixes and internal changes" to each list of
changes; I won't explicitly state that each time :-)
Release Date: 2013-06-25
- Fixed incompatibility with ReaJS and other PlugIns that don't pass back a
chunk before one's been loaded
- Restructured File menu and added "Mute Performance On Load"
- Added "Delete" button to Load Performance and Save Performance As dialogs
- VST3 PlugIns' custom context menu could kill VSTHost; corrected
- VST3 MIDI Controller -> Parameter ID remapping didn't work correctly
- performance loading didn't work correctly for Shell PlugIns
(only if the previously loaded performance did NOT contain them)
- MIDI->Parameter output mode "Relative" added
- new MIDI->Parameter types "Note On/Off Velocity" and "Note On/Off Key" added
- new MIDI->Parameter modes "From" and "To" added (for defined triggers)
- added Pre-/Post-Fader recording
- added soft clipping
- bridge program stability increased;
robustness against bridge program failures increased;
bridge speed improvements
- added some REAPER-style PlugIn calls and host callbacks;
see for further details.
Presumably only of interest for a few PlugIn developers.
- added PlugIn Editor window support for VST Module Architecture PlugIns.
NB: this is limited to the few VSTMA PlugIns I could find on the 'net.
If you got others which use additional features of Steinberg's over-the-top
XML UI specification, please let me know.
- Added SysEx window to list of possible MIDI inputs for PlugIns
- PlugIns can send MIDI to SysEx window, and SysEx messages are passed from
SysEx window to PlugIns
- PlugIn Parameter window remodeled to match Cubase's getParameterProperties()
support; this might spell "t-r-o-u-b-l-e" for PlugIns that were modeled after
VSTHost's implementation, which was done in 2006...
- added manual to distribution (not for betas)
Now if only I could force people to READ it...
- added "Double x64" distribution for people with too much CPU time
Release Date: 2013-01-07
- 32-bit version created with Visual Studio 2008 instead of Visual Studio 6 for
added UI capabilities; for Windows 98, there's a separate version available
now that's still done with VS6.
- Loading of similar performances is much faster.
- PlugIn scans remember bad PlugIns and don't retry them.
- MIDI Clock can be sent to configurable MIDI devices.
- PlugIn menu bar break can be configured.

- PlugIns can be "labeled" by double-clicking on the PlugIn frame's

lower text line.
- Pressing Ctrl while loading a PlugIn toggles the /runBridged
command line option.
- Pressing Ctrl+Shift while loading a PlugIn toggles the /forceBridged
command line option.
- Corrected Auto-Stereo option for Mono PlugIns.
- Expanded .vstxml file capabilities.
- Manual can be opened from menu if downloaded into VSTHost directory.
- MIDI->Parameter conversions enhanced.
- MIDI File Player can load .kar files now (small improvement).
- Added built-in PlugIns for common MIDI configuration tasks.
- /maxchn=xx command line parameter and MaxChannels=xx .ini file setting added
for the (rare) setups where more than 32 ASIO I/O channels are needed.
- uses VST SDK 3.5 instead of 3.1 now.
Release Date: 2011-09-20
- Incoming MIDI SysEx messages killed the x64 versions.
- A bad "optimization" killed MME Wave Input device usage.
Release Date: 2011-08-04
- SSE2 bug cured that caused ghastly noise when the output to a 24-bit sound
card needed clipping.
- "Linear Knob mode" implemented.
Release Date: 2011-07-14
- VST3 handling much more robust now.
- VSTHost uses the VST SDK 3.1 for VST3 PlugIns now.
Release Date: 2011-04-04
- Performances can be ex- and imported.
- Improved handling for loading PlugIns that have been moved to a new location.
- Rudimentary OSC support.
- Use of SSE(2) when possible and appropriate
- .fxb files are saved and loaded in version 2 format now.
Release Date: 2010-11-01
- There are two major VSTHost variants now: the normal x86 one (32 bit code)
and an x64 one (64 bit code), which obviously runs only on 64-bit Windows
machines. The x64 variant is still rather experimental; I can't guarantee

that each and every little detail works correctly.

- VSTHost contains its own set of bridge programs now so that you can load
64-bit PlugIns in the 32-bit program (only in an x64 environment, of course.),
or 32-bit PlugIns in the 64-bit program.
JBridge support is still available, but you have to specifically request it
for a PlugIn, since VSTHost's own bridge programs provide more functionality
(bridging VST Module Architecture and VST3 PlugIns, for example, unlimited
number of audio channels, PlugIn pooling, ...).
If you run into problems using VSTHost's bridge, you can still use JBridge
Release Date: 2009-11-26
- Can load 64-bit PlugIns in an x64 environment through direct JBridge support.
- Wave player supports auto-stereo mode for mono files.
Release Date: 2009-10-15
- Experimental VST3 support.
- Experimental VST Module Architecture support.
- MIDI filtering and transformations have been expanded and made much
more flexible.
- Speaker configuration can be done for plug-ins that support it.
- Audio in / out is done through special pseudo-plug-ins now; this permits to
remove the distinction between "insert" and "send" links between plug-ins.
- Can play .mp3 files (using external mpg123 package - see VSTHost documentation
for details).
Release Date: 2008-01-17
- There's a double-precision variant available that uses double precision
signal paths (might be useful for testing and using double-precision PlugIns).
- French language satellite DLL added - many thanks to Patrice Vigier for this.
- Artvera contributed some skins that can be downloaded from the VSTHost
web site.
- Improved ASIO channel selection that allows any possible combination of
input/output channels to be selected.
- PlugIn banks can be saved automatically now, which makes performance
generation much easier.
- Remote MIDI and MIDI->Parameter conversions now have a "Kill" flag which is
normally set; if removed, the messages are not removed from the MIDI data
passed to the PlugIns any more.
- Enhanced scrolling support for the main window.
- Improved compatibility with WINE / wineasio environments.
- Added /local=<DLLname> command line flag to allow the use of a specific
satellite DLL.
- SysEx window added to allow sending/receiving SysEx messages to/from external
MIDI devices.
- User Exit DLL for MediaStation added.
- PlugIn menu can be toggled between Display and Filename text.
- DirectSound support added (works in all Windows versions except Vista).
- Added /nomme, /nodsound, /noasio command line flags to suppress the use of

the corresponding wave I/O method for special environments.

- Added /noft ("No Fault Tolerance") flag for debugging environments; in this
mode, VSTHost and SAVIHost don't catch any exception, which eases the
detection of badly behaving PlugIns.
Release Date: 2007-07-19
- .ini-file handling was broken in Windows 98; corrected.
- Multiprocessor support contained a bug in MIDI handling; corrected.
- Expanded configuration capabilities (see effCanDos.ini and hostCanDos.ini
in the Data subdirectory).
- VSTHost can load "satellite resource DLLs" now; if a DLL for the local
language is available, VSTHost uses it (currently, only a German variant
is provided - if somebody wants to help in translating it into another
language, just contact me).
This can be suppressed with the new /nolocal command line option.
- VSTHost can be skinned now; if you don't like the default layout, you can
roll your own now. Loading of skins can be suppressed with the new /noskin
command line option.
- Links between PlugIns can be created/modified/deleted with the mouse on the
main window now.
- The main window is scrollable now to allow setups that are larger than the
- PlugIns that can process double precision audio streams can be tested now.
- Finally, for people who don't want to read the manual, VSTHost defaults to
a running audio engine now, so no more "Why is there no sound in VSTHost?"
Release Date: 2007-04-05
- Joystick support enhanced.
- XML parser enhanced; VSTHost can export .vstxml files.
- Each plugin can be remote-controlled; the following settings can be changed
by MIDI messages:
* Program
* Bypass
* Mute
* Close (dangerous!)
* Next Program, Previous program
- Bank/program loading made more flexible; if the format of a loaded bank
doesn't match the PlugIn settings, a Yes/No message box allows to override
the abort (special for new Waldorf Wave 2.V).
- Plugins that try to set the host's speed (like Tap!) can do that now.
Release Date: 2006-10-30
- Joystick support added; this allows to use up to 2 joysticks to generate
MIDI messages for plug-ins and/or MIDI Output devices.
- XML parser added; VSTHost understands .vstxml files now and uses them in the
Parameter editing windows (not including group definitions).
- BPM can be loaded from the performance now; this behavior can be toggled.

- MIDI->Parameter conversion didn't work for Plug-ins that don't expect MIDI;
- Added lots of code that should allow VSTHost to terminate in an orderly
fashion (i.e. without killing the ASIO drivers or such) if a plug-in crashes
badly, and catch recoverable errors if possible.
- Entering registration data in daHornet did not work; corrected.
- Menus in Zebra 2 did not work; corrected.
Release Date: 2006-10-02
- VSTHost can now scan PlugIn folders and provide a menu of known PlugIns,
both fast and exhaustive (user-selectable).
- "Chain After..." can be used to set up Audio and MIDI links now, if the
PlugIns allow that.
- MIDI Player can be synchronized to Wave Player.
- "BPM" is a new target for remote control.
- The MIDI buttons in the main Plugin windows double as MIDI In/Out activity
indicators now.
- Most PlugIn windows have a context menu now.
- MIDI Connections between 2 PlugIns are shown now on the main window.
- Invalid parameter settings are displayed in Red on the Effect Parameter
window... but invalid parameters are stored and loaded without correction
(for Trollo).
- MIDI communication between 2 PlugIns works instantly now (previous version
had a delay of 1 buffer).
- Stereo Input/Output ASIO Channel Selection corrected.
- Unused ASIO drivers should be released now.
- BPM changes can be directly entered on the main toolbar now.
- "Player Sync" setting finally provides a simple transport control
(i.e. the hosts can now tell the plugins that they are playing at a certain
position); makes it easier to run sequencer/tracker plugins in an orderly
- Finer-grained Priority selection.
- Wave Player files can be unloaded.
Release Date: 2006-06-12
- Simple MIDI Player that can be routed to PlugIns and/or MIDI Output.
- "Audio Thru" setting that allows to define whether Audio Input is directly
sent to Audio Output.
- When no Wave Input device is loaded, 2 channels of silence are used.
- I/O Remapping shows more meaningful device channel names.
- Wave Player had a problem if used without a Wave Input device; corrected.
- Wave Player has separate Autorepeat settings for playing and rewinding now.
- PC keyboard can be captured and sent to simulated MIDI keyboard now, even
if this doesn't have the focus (or is hidden); can be toggled with F11.
- MIDI Panic button added.
- Stereo Input/Output ASIO Channel selection works again.
Release Date: 2006-05-08

- Bypass button / menu entry added for PlugIns, in addition to Mute.

- Wave Player can now be inserted before or after the PlugIns;
this means that you can send wave files through effects.
- Wave Player Auto-repeat introduced a little delay; corrected.
- Load / save file selection from PlugIns sometimes failed; corrected.
- Sending MIDI messages sometimes caused problems; corrected.
Release Date: 2006-04-03
- Added level meters to the effects' main windows.
- All level meters can display RMS or peak levels.
Release Date: 2006-02-06
- MIDI <-> VST Parameter mapping has been enhanced.
Practically all aspects of normal MIDI messages can now be used.
- VST SDK 2.4 support
NB: while the programs should support all plugins written to the new
specification, they do NOT call the 64-bit processDoubleReplacing()
method, even if it's available. The reason is simply that the internal
signal processing is done with 32-bit floats; it would mean senseless
conversions to and from 64-bit to cover the 64-bit functionality.
VSTHost is designed to run on older and slower machines, too, and I don't
want to place heavy burdens on these by doubling all buffer sizes for a
negligible improvement in sound quality.
Release Date: 2005-12-12
- VSTHost now uses a complete Bank/Performance concept, which allows you
to define up to 16385 banks of up to 129 performances each. Nearly all
of them can be selected by remote control operations.
- Switching between different performances which use the same set of Plug-ins
is much faster now, as Plug-ins can be reused.
- MIDI <-> VST Parameter mapping has been implemented. This allows you to map
incoming MIDI messages to VST automation parameters, and parameter changes
to outgoing MIDI messages, for Plug-ins which can't handle that themselves.
Various absolute and relative modes are implemented (outgoing relative CCs
are still a bit experimental, however).
- Shell Plug-ins support enhanced.
Release Date: 2005-10-13
- The "Slavery Suite" has been enhanced; it is now optional whether a VSTHost
slave is closed when the corresponding Master plug-in is unloaded.
- Shell plug-ins can finally be loaded (i.e. the Waves plug-ins work).

Release Date: 2005-10-03

- "Assign Output Channels" has been added to the Effect menu; this allows
redirection of the effect's output channels to any of the available Engine
output channels.
- The "Slavery Suite" has been enhanced; it is now possible to control up to
18 simultaneous VSTHost Slaves from one master host.
- The sample rate can now be changed if the wave output device allows it.
Release Date: 2005-09-19
- VSTHost Bank Files
VSTHost can store its programs (collections of VST plugins) in bank files now,
in addition to the "Internal Bank", which is registry-based like in the
previous versions.
- Slave Mode
VSTHost can now operate in "Slave Mode"; together with a little VST(i) plugin
that's loaded in a "Master" VST host (this can be another instance of VSTHost,
or Cubase, or anything else), it can be completely remote-controlled.
See for the background
The PlugIns can be found here:
- Improved Effect Chains
Some bug fixes here; input channel assignments work much better now.
Release Date: 2005-08-15
- Program Selection
VSTHost can store up to 129 programs now. A "program" in this case is a
collection of VST plugins, their settings, and all chains.
Program 0 is the Default program which is loaded upon program start if the
"Reload Program" menu entry is not checked. This program is the only one that
is not MIDI-selectable (see Remote Port/Channel below).
- Improved Effect Chains
In previous versions, plugins could have multiple outgoing connections, but
only up to one incoming connection; this restriction has been removed now,
so you can set up "concentrating" chains, too. The only remaining restriction
(which will stay) is that you cannot set up recursive signal paths.
This also means that the effect's input assignment method was redesigned; for
each chain set up for an effect, you can separately define the input channel
- Improved MIDI handling
This version can handle as many MIDI Input and Output ports as there are
available. Since there might be some combinations that lead to a MIDI
feedback loop, MIDI Thru can be separately set up for each loaded MIDI
Input port.
- Remote Port/Channel
On the MIDI Device selection dialog, you can also define one MIDI Input Port
as the "Remote Port", and eventually set up a "Remote Channel".
This Remote Port has to be in the list of opened MIDI Input ports, of course.
If you don't define the Remote Channel (leave it at the default setting of
"---"), all channels of this port are interpreted as Remote Channels.
The Remote Port/Channel can be used to change the current Program (see above)

via MIDI Program Change messages.

- Keyboard Bar MIDI Output
The keyboard bar can now be configured to directly send MIDI messages to all
or selected MIDI Output ports, in addition to sending them to the various
- Effect MIDI Input / Output
For each effect, you can define the MIDI Input ports it listens to, and the
MIDI Output ports (or other plugins) it sends to.
Release Date: 2005-08-02
- Improved Wave File Player/Recorder.
They are separate entities now; i.e. you can playback one file and record
its output, plus anything generated the Audio Input and/or loaded
VSTis/effects to another file.
It still follows a simple "tape recorder" paradigm and both player and
recorder are inserted into the audio stream just before it is sent to the
output device. Ping-pong recording is possible now.
- A "just for fun" feature - like on an analog tape recorder, you can listen
to the audio data while it's rewinding or fast forwarding.
The Winding audio level can be adjusted; at -60dB, the feature is turned off
(saving some CPU cycles).
Release Date: 2005-07-19
- Added a Wave File Player/Recorder. It can playback and record .WAV files in
any bit rate up to 32 bit plus floating-point, with a configurable number of
up to 32 channels.
It follows a simple "tape recorder" paradigm and is simply inserted into the
audio stream just before it is sent to the output device.
The Master window allows additional control over the Wave Player/Recorder.
Release Date: 2005-06-14
- GUI changed.
An effect's main window can now be used to change a lot of the effect's
settings ("lots of colorful buttons").
- Chaining improved. There are now two ways to remove an effect from a chain:
1. The "Unchain" command, which removes it entirely from the chain;
if there are any effects chained AFTER the unchained effect, they are
chained to the effect BEFORE the unchained effect (if any).
2. In the "Chain After" dialog, you can unselect the effect, in which case
the effects chained after it are NOT re-chained.
- Chaining visualized.
Primitive - a yellow line between 2 effects indicates an Insert chain,
a cyan line indicates a Send chain.
Release Date: 2005-04-29

- Can, in theory, load Shell plugins. This is untested.
- The Chaining mechanism has been enhanced. You can now chain multiple
effects to an effect's output (fan-out is only limited by your PC's
capabilities), and you can designate the chain as an "Insert" or "Send"
The terminology should be easy to understand for people who have experience
with mixers, but here's a short explanation:
* When you chain an INSERT effect to an effect, the original effect's output
is piped into the insert effect only.
* When you chain a SEND effect to an effect, the original effect's output
is piped into the SEND effect _and_ sent to the Wave output (unless another
INSERT effect is chained to the original effect).
Future versions will aim to visualize this in a better way.
Release Date: 2005-03-29
- In the Wave device configuration dialog, you can enter arbitrary buffer
sizes between 16 and 11025 by hand.
- The MIDI output from plugins can be routed to specific other plugins and/or
the configured MIDI output device ("Effect/MIDI Output..." menu entry).
In previous versions, MIDI Output was simply sent to all other loaded PlugIns
and MIDI Out; the default behaviour from now on is to send to MIDI Out only.
Release Date: 2005-02-28
- The "Edit Parameters" window has been completely redesigned.
- Extensive Reassign capabilities; you can define the input channels for each
loaded effect that has inputs, the overall input channel assignment, and the
overall output assignment.
- Additional command line flags:
/noaudio - prevents loading of the Wave devices.
/nomidi - prevents loading of the MIDI devices.
These have been added since there are conditions where VSTHost can die upon
program start, such as:
* Changed sound card, but the old ASIO driver is still there.
* Ruined Windows MME configuration, where the default Wave Mapper can't be
opened or closed correctly.
This allows VSTHost/SAVIHost to come up even if something in the current
configuration is terribly defective. In previous versions, you had to clean
the registry in such cases.
- The ASIO buffer size detection is much more robust and "intelligent" now.
Release Date: 2005-02-06
- Bug fix: FL Studio 5 and Spectrasonics Atmosphere have been reported not to
work with the previous versions - now they do.
- The effects' edit windows can finally be scrolled if their size is reduced;
plus, there's a menu option that lets you turn off the automatic size
adjustment, since some effects simply don't tell the truth when asked how
big they want their edit area to be.

- Added a little level meter to the status bar; can be turned off from
the menu.
- In plugin chains, the previous version always routed as many channels from
plugin 1's output to plugin 2's input as there are ASIO input channels;
now it routes as many channels as plugin 1 can deliver.
Release Date: 2005-01-29
- In the Master window, a volume slider has been added.
- When using an ASIO driver that provides more outputs than inputs and more
than one plug-in, the previous versions could produce crackling noise on
unused channels; corrected.
- Nasty bug fix - mono effects / synths could cause sudden death of the program
(see for details).
- Directly intertwined with that, mono output is now automatically converted
to pseudo-stereo (i.e. simply output on both channels).
Release Date: 2005-01-18
- Remembers all window positions.
- New "Master" window added (VU meter at the moment, will be expanded in
future versions).
- The main effect window has been minimized to bare essentials; for people
interested in the details of the PlugIn, an Info Window has been added.
- Improved clipping behavior (previous versions created disastrous bzzzz
sounds if the output level went over +1dB).
- Performance enhancements (some assembly code instead of C++).
- Display of peak level in the status bar (updated every 750mS).
Release Date: 2004-12-17
- Instead of the MIDI Channel Mask, a much more flexible MIDI Filter concept
has been implemented (borrowed from Miditrix) that allows you to filter
out practically any kind of MIDI message; can be separately set for each
loaded Effect/VSTi.
- Fixed a bug that emerged upon MIDI Program Change message processing
(see for details).
- The BPM reported to the loaded effects can now be set and (de-)activated
(see for details).
- Some performance enhancements.
Release Date: 2004-12-09
- Use all available output channels now, if no stereo pair is selected.
- Can adjust the process priority.

Release Date: 2004-11-23

- Added a workaround for bug in Reaktor 4 VSTi.
- Load/save of .fxp's now works for formatless chunks.
Release Date: 2004-11-18
- "Auto Edit Mode" to automatically open the Edit window of a Plug-in.
- Drag & Drop support to automatically open Plug-ins when their main
.DLL file is dropped onto VSTHost's main window.
- Bug fix: Sample rates other than 44.1kHz are now supported
(in previous versions, you could set them through the ASIO Driver's
Control Panel, but they were not passed to the effects).
- Keyboard bar is now resizable / dockable.
Release Date: 2004-11-12
- You can now load/save programs from/to .fxp files.
- MME Wave device support has been sped up quite a bit.
- The approximate CPU percentage spent in buffer processing is shown in the
status bar.
... lost in the mists of time...
Release Date: 2004-10-26
- You can now select the used ASIO channels; i.e., you're not limited to the
first two channels any more. To select them, a new dialog has been added
that can be called from the menu as "Devices / ASIO Channel Selection".
Release Date: 2004-10-12
- Improved MIDI handling.
- Improved MME Wave handling.
- Changes between MME and ASIO drivers work much better now.
Release Date: 2004-10-07
- Improved plugin handling - can handle a lot more plugins that tended to die
in the previous versions.
- Improved user interface - adds toolbar buttons for Next / Previous program.

Release Date: 2004-09-17
- Better MIDI handling.
- Plug-ins can be chained (and just that, no mixing, pre-/post-fader stuff
or whatever).
- Includes a little on-screen MIDI keyboard.
- Various internal changes.
... lost in the mists of time...
Release Date: 2004-04-06
- SysEx bug fixes.
Release Date: 2004-01-02
- Basic ASIO 2.0 support added.
- Some UI changes.
Release Date: 2003-11-16
- Covers VST 2.3 features.
- Allows sending/receiving SysEx.
- Sends keystrokes to effects.
- Minor UI and internal changes.
... lost in the mists of time...
Release Date: 2003-01-16
- Allows to set received MIDI channels for each loaded plugin.
Release Date: 2002-07-16
That's when VSTHost was first mentioned on KvR - I didn't think about keeping
a version history before that, since I had just sent some copies to interested
persons upon personal request. This version, as far as I remember, was the

first that I uploaded to my web site.

How should I have known that I'd compile VSTHost's history over 10 years
later, after far more than a million(!) individual downloads...
... and VSTHost still lives on :-)

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