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Circuit Training

June 5, 2008
Circuit training is an excellent form of conditioning.
Circuit training can consist of bodyweight exercises, machine equipment
exercises, weights/dumbbells exercises as well as endurance exercises such as
running, jump roping and cycling to name a few.
For an excellent workout, combination of bodyweight, machine equipment,
weights and endurance exercises can be combined.

Example Circuit Routine 1

-15Bodyweight rows (inverted)-(provide a link with picture)
-20 bodyweight squats
-15 pushups
-50 jumping jacks
-20 mountain climbers
-10 close grip pushups
-15 bodyweight rows
Example Circuit Routine 2
-10 burpees with 5lb weights (provide a link with picture)
-10 bent over rows
-10 leg presses
-10 shoulder presses
-10 deadlifts
-10 bench presses
-10 incline abs with weights
Example Circuit Routine 3
(1) Dumbbell squat-press (12 to 15 repetitions)
(2) incline situps (15 to 20 repetitions)
(3) jump rope (60 seconds)
(4) Burpee/wide grip pullup combo (provide a link with picture)
(5) jump side to side over bench (provide a link with picture)
(6) Jump rope (60 seconds)
*Repeat circuit three times.

These 3 circuit routines are some examples of how circuit training

can improve and add variety and intensity as well as
endurance training to any workout routine all in one.

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