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Welcome to my world

Everyone belongs to many different types of communities, but my main

communities would be based on job, family and friends, social media, and education which
would be based on UTEP. My first community would be based on my family and friends,
which involves almost my whole life and would be the most important one of all. It is a
community which is based in the relationship that I can build with each one of the members
that are involved. We are a community which has a lot of confidence with each other and
are very close with each other, and also it all depends a lot in the mood each of us have on
the daily basis. My friends are the only ones who can come with the craziest nicknames and
abbreviations for our names, and of course we need to have a code word so we can talk
whenever we do not want someone to know when are we talking bad about someone or
when we like someone, we can either make faces that only us can understand or make
movements for us to know someone is cute. I belong in the community with my family
because I was born in there and with my friends I had the choice to choose them, we are
four best friends and each one of us have a different personality and that is why we all are
good when we combine ideas and need to do something. For example my mom calls me by
very different kind of nicknames like mi Nia, my little princess, Corazon and whenever
she is mad she calls me by mi second name which is Victoria. My dad calls me by my
second name whenever he is really happy just because he loves my second name which
would be the opposite as my mom, my sister and brother would call my Vicky whenever
they are in a good mood and whenever each one of us messes up I call them mensos. My
friends call me Larla which would be I guess a nickname for Carla, I call my friends also
by a nickname of their original name my friend Yaneth we call her by Yanis, Arantxa by
Adan and Nayeli by Nayis or Nelly.

Welcome to my world
Another important community would be my job which is based in the food we sell
and how we need to make our job. We communicate each other by the orders we have and
by the speed we need to make them. If someone is taking too long we might tell them to
hurry up. I belong in the community of McDonalds because I was hired by the manager to
work there. The communication are based for example in the combos we have like the
famous number 1 which is the Big Mac, also if they want to have it large, we have the
Dollar menu which many people order it, all the different sauces that we have like bbq,
sweet n sour, buffalo, ranch, and many more, as well as our secret menu.
The biggest influence for everyone now on days would be social media; almost
everyone has this type of community, but in different ways. A community which is based in
the internet and with people you either know or dont even know in person. You
communicate with each other whether with a private message or a public message. I belong
in this community because of the influence of my friends and because it is now the easiest
way to communicate with someone and share photos. You communicate with this medias
by the use of emojis, photos, likes, hash tags, shares, stocking others profile, inbox, direct
messages, inbox, stories.
The last community which I have been involved in would be UTEP. A
community based in education and learning. At UTEP you communicate with
each other and most of them would be the professors the most important ones,
and also the friends and people you know in the campus. I am able to belong in
the UTEP community because I was accepted in the school and I was accepted
in the community. At UTEP we can communicate trough many things all based
in education for example, blackboard, UTEP email, centennial plaza,

Welcome to my world
miners, events, football games, Don Haskins and many more. Everyone has
different communities in their life and each one make it either important or
make it the way they want to.

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