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To elucidate love is very puzzling,

But that's the main point why we keep on asking,

So I, myself, seek and am about to put it into words,

But first bethink this, "Nescience of love is absurd".

You cannot fathom just how much,

Someone will load your heart with joy,

By the measure of time he stay in your mind,

Just like a wanted toy.

Most say Love is when...

you know his weaknesses and flaws,

But never took it as advantages,

On his neck never used claws.

It is wanting to keep safe that one you love.

Yet, it doesn't mean of tolerating his bad actions above.

Likewise, it is wanting someone to mature,

That sometimes we establish a difficult rule.

Love is not changing someone,

but loving him for who he is.

It's never losing temper in bringing out his best,

It's openness for apologies.

Love is selflessness not selfishness,

Contrary of need and keenness.

A belief of allowing rather than seeking,

Freeing instead of siezing.


June 25, 2015 by Jen Alile Salgado

Plagiarism is a crime. Please ask permission.

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