Principal Certification

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Principal Inter Rating Sheet fl School of Education, Drexel University EDUC 715. 716. 717. 718: Principal Internship ONLINE [ Principal Certification Internship Rating Sheet Directions: The purpose ofthis rating sheet isto provide feedback tothe Principal Intemship Candidate about his or hex performance with the goal of improving that performance, The evaluation items are based upon the ELCC Leadership Standards for the Principaship and the School of Edveaton, Drexel University Certification Competencies. Rate the internship experience for the candidate on each of the items below on a | to 5 rating seale, Circle one digit per item with § representing Outstanding Performance through 1 indicating a Necessity for Improvement. Elaborate your evaluation with additional comments in the space provided. There is a place for “not observed” ifthe skill was not a part of the intemship experience. Inter: Peter Hackney School: Emily Fisher Charter School Date: 3/12/10 Oustanding Performance Needs Improvement lement 5 4 3 2 1 | Noe ELCC Standard reas VISION ‘Develop a Vion of earaing fora school = “Ariulate a Vision x implement vision x Steward a vton x x Promote eommuniy involvement a the vison Comments Pete has proven to bea steward of the schools vision through his leadership in the classroom and administratively. ‘This has been especially evident when the business end of the school appears to cloud judgments he has often been the necessary compass. ‘SCHOOL CULTURE | Promote postive sehooteatare x Provide effective instructional program x "ADDI Best pratie to student earning x Desig comprehensive professional growth plans _X ‘Comments Pete is one of our finest teachers. He provides quality instruction grounded in best practices. Pet is respected by the teachers at our school and is able to effectively collaborate with them while incorporating his natural leadership skills. He has applied the knowledge from his Drexel program to asist our professional development coordinator in improving our professional development practices. Pete's understandings of the need for a collaboratively designed instructional framework and ongoing professional development will ‘be critical to our school's sustained improvement, I I I I I I I Principal Iter Rating Sheet MANAGEMENT Manage the orgatation x “Manage operations x ‘Comments (ur school has a 33% special education population. We rely on Pete to manage all aspects of special education, He manages all federal and state regulatory documentation, These include individual education plans (IEP), reports, programs approvals, Spe (SEMD, etc. Pete does all the scheduling for special needs students and ensures they are receiving (Geachers and Child Study Team) across three Education Medicaid Inititi services inthe IEP’s. In addition, he supervises 18 special services faculty and staff ial facilites. He is an integral part of our organization. ‘COMMUNITY ‘Cotabrae wih aie & her community meniers | —¥ "Respond to community interests and needs x ‘Mobilize community resourees x Comments Pete has a natural ability in working with others. This is evident ashe facilitates meetings daily with parents. Through his time and efforts he has established a trust with the community of students and parents. Even in the most 3 ifficult of situations Ihave witnessed his ability to effectively resolve issues and work towards a solution. During his internships he has incorporated projects thet have bbeen beneficial to both the school and community. INTEGRITY, FAIRNESS & ETHICS Aes wi ae x ‘Ace fairly x ‘Ace thinly x ‘Comments Pete has a strong ethical foundation and consistently acts with integrin LARGER CONTEXTS ‘ndersand the larger contort x Respond to the larger context, x Thfluence the larger context x ‘Comments Pete has developed strong relationships with various persons and organizations beyond our school. These relationships have been important to our organization when in need of assistance and in building partnerships. Principal Item Rating Sheet 3 al Tar ‘Competencies Exit Skil Level 3 3 ea ane | ee ‘Organizational Ability ‘Sinan reso pti asion © ‘Abily to deal witha volume of paperwork and |X ‘eany demand on one's tme Comments Being a small school we have to use our resources effectively. As the special services coordinator he has to manage the large amount ‘of paperwork that comes with the territory. He has managed to do this efficiently and effectively by incorporating an online data system, Desisivenss “Aly to comader alernatives and ehove the ternative that ill work the best ‘Abily fo determine whether a shor or Tong term solution s most appropriate othe stuaton ‘Demonstrates the tenaiy fo stick othe decison once ts made, resisting pressure from other ‘Comments Pete has great problem solving sil. 1 often seck his nput and advice when developing plan or finding a solution. Leadership “liye Fecoqaie when group Rai ¥ nergaingfciation, mtiation ad empowerment Abii to interact witha group efeivey and ¥ ude them tthe necomplishment of ask ‘Comments Pete's leadership skills are evident in al situations. Siress Tolerance “Aigo perfarm daring oppoion x Abii think om 008s feet x ‘Comments Pete is a consummate professional, He makes good choices and has an understanding of timing and situations.

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