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What Is It

----------------------------uSEO PRO is a property editor that will store information for SEO purposes. Such
as Page Title, Meta Description, Keywords and Robot data.
This information is then displayed to an editor in a way that is akin to Google.
Also included is an optional tool for the editor to use a FOCUS KEYWORD for the
page - The editor will be presented with a list of auto completed suggestions re
lated to the focus keyword.
The page is also evaluated to give feedback to the editor to indicate whether th
e focus keyword is found in relevant attributes, such as the URL, Title, Descrip
tion and Content.
How To Install & Use
----------------------------1. Install the package as you would any other simple package.
2. Add a new Data Type of type uSEO PRO.
3. Add to any document type you wish to use it on.
Use In Frontend
----------------------------1. In you Master Page in between the <head> tags, make a reference to a partial
view @{ Html.RenderPartial("_uSeoPro"); }
2. Create a new partial view _uSeoPro.cshtml and copy the code below.
@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoTemplatePage
var seo = CurrentPage._seoFields;
if(seo.noseo == null || seo.noseo == false)
var title = IsNullOrEmpty(seo.title) ? CurrentPage.Name : seo.title;
<title>@title | Static Title End</title>
if(IsNullOrEmpty(seo.keywords) == false){
<meta name="keywords" content="@seo.keywords" />
if (IsNullOrEmpty(seo.description) == false){
<meta name="description" content="@seo.description" />
if(IsNullOrEmpty(seo.robots) == false) {
<meta name="robots" content="@seo.robots" />
@functions {
private bool IsNullOrEmpty(object property)
return property != null && String.IsNullOrEmpty(property.ToString());

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