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Complete the following assignment in small groups. Be prepared to report out on your responses.

Step 1: Give the dictionary definition of the following words.

1. Prejudice An unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or

2. Stereotype A simplified and standardized conception or image invested with special meaning and held in

common by members of a group.

3. Scapegoat A person or group made to bear the blame for others or to suffer in their place.

Step 2: Explain why prejudice can be dangerous.

Step 3: Give examples of each of the terms that can be found in todays society.
1. Prejudice In a divorce, women are usually given custody of the children over men.

2. Stereotype All poor people are lazy.

3. Scapegoat Poor people are responsible for higher taxes.

Step 4: List as many groups as you can that have been victims of prejudice.
* Women
* African Americans
* Muslims

Step 5: Respond to the following two questions on the back of this page.

Where do prejudices come from?

What can we do to get rid of prejudice? Give at least four suggestions.

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