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At-Home Lab

(Packet Tracer Activity)

Lab #:

Lois McGuthrie
9/5/2015 Week 1 Lab

Lab Summary
Write a paragraph (minimum five college-level sentences) below that summarizes what was
accomplished in this lab, what challenged you, and your understanding of the concepts covered.
In this ilab our main objective was to first configure the Cisco Routers for syslog,
NTP and set SSH Operations. In part one we had to make sure communication between all
devices was good and up. Then we went into each of the routers and set the NTP sever as
their source clock for updating. On top of that we set timestamp service logging and then
verified that it was working as well as the NTP clock was the same as the NTP sever. In
part 2 we worked on router 3 and configured the SSH connections setting the password
for future telnet connections. Then we configured the incoming allowed VTY lines for
validation we set the local accounts. We generated an encryption key and set the correct
bytes. After all of that the last thing we did what change the default timeouts and then
tested the Telnet connections. I think the biggest challenge was just remembering all of
the commands as it has been a while since my last class.
When you have completed the Packet Tracer iLab, take a screenshot of the Activity Results page and
paste it below.

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