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From: Aaron Setran/R9/USEPA/US

To: David Albright/R9/USEPA/US@EPA, Rich Campbell/R9/USEPA/US@EPA,
Date: 05/31/2012 09:45 AM
Subject: Pineview update

I spoke with John Krause of BIA yesterday regarding the status of BIA's report/referral of the Pineview ww
issue to their Central Office, and their legal analysis of BIA's responsibility for the ww infrastructure at the
site. John had nothing to report. An order from EPA may provide the necessary incentive to get things
moving on this matter. A

Aaron Carr Setran

U.S. EPA, Water Division
75 Hawthorne St.
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 972-3457

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