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Ballerz Paradise

1. The island will be ruled Laissez-faire

2. The Laws and decisions will be established by the person in
charge/ leader or king and the chosen few who are suitable to be
3. Some laws and decisions will be enforced by a vote if its a hard
decision to make but not all the time because sometimes the leader
needs to take action and just make the decisions by himself, as the
leader and suitable lower leaders make the decision if it comes to a
draw and cant decide, there will be a code to ensure that the leader
will have to make the decision. (code name: sweet cakes)
4. The leader will selected by everyone on the island and the leader
will form a council of his own choosing.
5. The Leader will remain the islands leader until he isnt suitable to lead
anymore and it is possible for the leader to lose his role and gain it
back if the island feels to do so.
6. The powers and responsibilities that will be given to the leader
is everything. If a decision is too hard he will discuss with the
council members
7. Everyone will work, the work will be distributed even among all the
age groups the lower ages will get the easier work and the higher
ages will get the tougher jobs that the younger ones wont be able to
8. The only way to be free of work if the islanders complete their
daily jobs which should last about 3-6 hours a day.
9. First law:
everyone must work every day so that the island
can thrive in survival
Second Law:
Crime punishments will be discussed by the
council members
Third Law:
No one goes into the jungle alone at during
afterhours everyone must have 1 or more people with them at all
Fourth Law:
Afterhours is 10:00
Fifth Law:
Anything found must be brought to a council
member privately. The reason being if its private you might want it for
your own use and if a council members allows you to keep it, it will be
between the both of you and whoever the islander shares it with.

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