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Prompt: What is the speakers attitude in Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken.

Use evidence from the

text to support your response.

In The Road Not Taken by: Robert Frost, the speaker expresses a reflective attitude towards the
decision made in the poem. The speaker reflects on the decision made in the poem by commenting
he "took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference." We do not know if this is a
positive difference or negative difference, but the speaker's words do demonstrate that he has
carefully considered his choice and reflected on how it has impacted his life. When making the
decision, the speaker also demonstrates careful consideration and reflection. He comments that
"long I stood and looked down one as far I could to where it bent in the undergrowth" and he was
"sorry I could not travel both." This demonstrates the speaker reflects upon his choice before
deciding which path to choose It even appears he may struggle to make the decision. Ultimately, his
reflection and careful choice leads him down the path less traveled.

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