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Project Plan # 01

4th Grading
I. Name of Project: Flower Vase Making
II. Objectives
1. To develop creativity and resourcefulness
2. To make a flower vase out of boxes
3. To use recyclable materials found in garage
II. Sketch or Drawing

V. Procedure/Steps
1. Prepare all needed materials, tools & equipments.

2. Get any empty boxes of noodles or canned goods, etc. and remove
the outer covering
with the use of scissors. Be sure to pay attention
while doing this.
3. Be sure that the corners of each boxes are smoothly done.
4. Make a pattern from the box of noodles (4 inches width and 7 inches
long for the
5. Make 5-8 pieces of the same pattern from the box
6. Get an ordinary paste and apply all over the patterns
7. Paste any colored craft papers or used cartolina in the surface area
of the pattern.
8. Using a glue gun, connect the 5-8 pieces of cut-out pattern slowly.
Make sure that the
glue is properly place in each side to make the
vase more firm.
9. Simply cover the bottom of the vase by pasting a small piece of box
10. Paste and put small shells horizontally in every corner of the vase
to make it more
11. Be sure to be creative in putting design
12. Put some aesthetic flowers on the vase
13. Put the output on the table to make it more attractive and pleasing
to the eyes.

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