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Jesus Orozco

Professor Elizabeth Caruso

UWRT 1103
October 6th, 2015
Literacy Map and Synthesis Paper Reflection
This has definitely been my favorite and most rewarding paper that I have written this year for
any class. I believe that I did tremendously well in presenting my information clearly through my
paper and this was due primarily because I had so much interest in the topic because it is
something that I enjoy very much. The fact that I got to study more about soccer and the
operations that go into making it run was definitely enjoyable for me. Writing about something I
truly cared about also gave y writing meaning and gave it emphasis as well. I am particularly
pleased with what I have learned and where my inquiry path has lead me. I do believe that I am
not done with research and that my topic has so much information that I could continue writing
for days. I am very excited to start the next step in the research process because I have enjoyed
this step significantly.

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