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Ordeal by cheque BY WUTHER CRUE HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK ou sees City Qegele Lecyele 2. poe a ag ome ———— ae, tos anccres, cule, 32M 5 28. ng HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK» eng ig So 268, Fv HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK =m [pesca Melee aad cto door) = ane Bed, Los anasien cal gall Pralrs Of No HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK ww "Sits ollywusmeret: aye ZL. 100% Buu Kean cbaecl I oss Aeracres- LaBo Los Anseies, Cau Sad, AC wo HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK» Puss Hoe Odile Cr 3888) hig aglitidalcagh. Jat. (pans GlelaAs os anceses, Cail Baal 1523. Wo, HOLLYWooD STATE BANK om PSone 2 Gwe a Wea VBL Ftecee Cech. fine git eeepc HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK =m Peso Claheiw Cal CGdair Sirwricer 286 16 HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK sou PSnoen Se S80 4 PYoouses Pacrtncee heli Le. "sa sles d Get Ye | ang Los anceies, co BE Clio OF no. HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK mm "sles Ahdcgadla chert fa Morya _ +, 28088 Loe Anoties, cay Meee Re 23 no HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK meu: Ke oa Ssey Cine ta ec hse! 7 egraiediod| Crue, W. (1932 [renewed 1960, 1988]}). Ordeal by Cheque. Vanity Fair. Cited in Vacca, R. T., & Vacca, J. L. (1999), Content area reading: Literacy and learning across the curriculum (6" ed.). New York: Longman. Hoe 8% Be, _ Houywooo BANK a che aoe, 82 aa lca Eoimante Yo ga ons Mie : LI — Hoan, Sep heendud v Gee Tati tence: Fells, K HoLLYWoon STATE BANK =m HoLLYWooD STATE BANK som as See = ie F cise: Chee seams Pave hum drd » dc MK, vos anoeies, cu PL £8, 2S yo tes mses cnun ELE Bley, HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK == HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK mom Lal ale Lal» 1L fe capi Pn aactersces Kalle Los Ancetes, Cau Af we No. tor Acasa, car LOCA, 2Eno HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK sm HOLLYWOOD STATE BANKem "cee Lilndesesaatly Lt Carecala) + Mel.) Peels Lnbuasator Jel 23808 Thar Kuala « Helse, ——* (amerence Epelitida hertbniee pellizde. HoLLywoon STATE BANK~ HoLLYWwoop STATE BANK+w "tts Ladiaaiighliditadie skew? "atts Lnevereitly lath Hloviste, «/ 84.0) lly sip herlaamal ——i one ae ake Pacrence Elite, ancsence Getles sd HOLLYWoop STATE BANK == ea a S Zevinabicmaleus 5.008 cra , af tor avons, aur TAB, /Fy_ 2°70 Crue, W. (1932 [renewed 1960, 1988]). Ordeal by Cheque. Vanity Fair. Cited in Vacca, R. T., & Vacca, J. L (1999). Content area reading: Literacy and learning across the curriculum (6" ed.). New York: Longman. 2 cov anonee ensfeg 1.4 BT nn HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK wm Lor Anaties, Cade. 30,429 no HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK =m 22. [to tos anceues, cour ME. S27 wo HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK = eee [50% Los anostes, Gnu HAY UG, $0 nyo HOLLYWooD STATE BANK HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK soe ast Axtaians Beuns Sheps 9/50% Coven hundred {Pie muse os Anosies, cour Marve | 1 BP wo HOLLYWoop STATE BANK» Sore os anouses cour Yous 13.5 FO no HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK =m Los Anoeven cnn Guakatgl 24 No HOLLYWooD STATE BANK»== once a 115 Fossrrtnse Ean vos anosues, on Plow 4,5 32. ng HOLLYWooD STATE BANK «om "oes tal onic arts of Kesar 525% pane. —Dowsans Cuvsaner ut, Gy HoLLyYwoop os anoeues, care (5 32 wo HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK om "Me aces Sutin fs $5000 2 Crue, W. (1932 [renewed 1960, 1988]). Ordeal by Cheque. Vanity Fair. Cited in Vacca, R. T., & Vacca, J. L. (1999). Content area reading: Literacy and learning across the curriculum (6" ed.). New York: Longman. Lon anocies cufgfeserts 201431 no HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK 00 FSEe Gap dL HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK wm Los Ancties, Cupane 2° oF! No HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK mm an vet Ohne hesodstel asses Lar thrard nine Recmtcnae Gates Go Los Anorves, i why Bio 31 wo, HOLLYWOOOSTATE BANK som rat belt Fata ae Los ancetes, CriSarnee22 95! wo HOLLYwoop STATE BANK == - cali a 2 a bes Anaeues, cnspflasley Bon IL No HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK oom _ see Be _ Bae harctredl, sos Rearunee Se. &. tor ances, ca ffiacmte 201431 no HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK ew: Pet Dart st Paaith #50. Los Anceizs, Cay LEE, BL wo, HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK =e rocent of Baca it Woes tor ancrts Cait fayL so BL Wo HOLLYWooD STATE BANK == "ice Toma cp et Los Anoeces oe . HoLLywodd STATE BANK wa onsen. Biblag acetal Life Leases og i202 Crue, W. (1932 {renewed 1960, 1988]). Ordeal by Cheque. Vanity Fair. Cited in Vacca, R. T., & Vacea, J. L. (1999). Content area reading: Literacy and learning across the curriculum (6" ed.). New York: Longman.

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