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An Economic Word

June 17, 2018

An angel came to me and, in the Spirit, took me to Time Square in New York City. The angel stood to my
left, and I was directed to observe the Time Square ball. As I watched the ball, its behavior was very
erratic as it attempted to progress upward toward the year 2012. The ball became stagnant and was
dropping, shaking violently and was unable to progress in its purpose, though we were only half-way
into 2011. The scene changed in time, and the ball reached midnight the last day of 2011 and fell rapidly
to begin the year 2012. When the time and year changed, the angel to my left spoke these words, The
economies of Europe will fall in 2012, and almost immediately the fall will come back on the USA. Now I
understood that the Time Square balls behavior was representing the economies in 2011, but only
after the angel revealed this truth to me.
The angel then pointed his finger to Germany and said that the German economy will stumble and that
there would be exposure of wrongdoings at some high levels, such as banking, economists, and even
government leaders. The angel also spoke of bad investments, like with Greece, that would be a factor
in this stumbling.
Next, the angel pointed to France and said that, in a similar way, France would fall. This economic fall
would also involve exposure, and bad investments would also be a factor there. However, this economic
fall would make way for a radical governmental change in France. It will not be an easy or good change
and there will be violence.
The angel then pointed to Poland and spoke of this nations economic woes. The nation was looking for
help, but became untrusting of other European nations. Russia began to seek to help Poland, but there
were strings attached to Russias offer. Russia actually began to use economic threats as a means to
influence Poland and other nations. Poland should not ally with Russia.
The angel then pointed his finger and Russia and declared, The Soviet Union WILL RISE Again! It will
attempt to re-gather many of the former nations by using threats and lures. The government will
become extremely aggressive.
Lastly, the angel spoke about many of the other European nations including Belgium, the Netherlands,
Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Their fall was coming soon and Spain would see great division and the
forming of a new government within the nation. Great violence will be unleashed in Spain and many of
the other European nations.

Terry Bennett

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