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Work with Unix admin to prepare Servers for RAC cluster installation.

Unix SA task involves:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Installing Linux, creating oracle user and dba group.
Assigning Public,Private and Virtual and SCAN IPs in /etc/hosts file.
Define Ethernet Ports(etho, eth1,eth2) for Public,Private and NFS network.
Allocate/Configure Shared Storage for Voting Disk, OCR and Oracle data,Redo and
control files.
Create mount points(folders) on shared storage to store (OCR,vote disk, cluster
software) and Oracle files.
Configure passwordless SSH between all RAC nodes.
Configure OS Kernel Parameters.
Install Linux Packages/RPM as per Oracle Cluster installation docs.
If using ASM for Shared Storage then need to Install Linux pacakges/RPMs oracle
Oracle DBA tasks:
Download 10g/11gr1/11gr2 cluster software from and unzip it.
$ sh runInstaller
Installer will ask Public and Private node names.
Installer will ask for Network Interface(ports) eth0,eth1 for Public and Private
Specify the location and names for OCR and Voting disks on Shared Storage or ASM
Installer will use Cluvfy command to verfiy all Cluster install prerequisites. W
ill give warning if anything is missing.
Continue with the installation.It takes about 45-60 minutes and the installer co
pies Cluster software to all
RAC nodes.
Installer will prompt to run This scripts needs to be run by Unix SA on
each RAC node.
Running starts the cluster on all rac nodes.
Once Cluster software is installed and running, We need to install the Oracle Da
tabase software.
Download and unzip the database software.
$ sh runInstaller
Installer will automatically detect all nodes in the Cluster.Select all RAC node
Specify Oracle Base and Oracle database software location.
Installer will copy software localy and on all remote nodes using passwordless S
Installer will prompt to run on all nodes which is run by unix SA's as r
oot user.
After this we can use DBCA to create new RAC databases. DBCA is aware of all RAC
nodes in cluster.

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