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Most policies are developed by state and local governments

Governors have all the money to reallocate the resources of a state over a
four year period
States have tens to hundreds of billions of dollars
About half are made from own state tax dollars
About half are from the federal government
Governors have huge budget powers
Line-item veto: They can change specifications of legislations
Change the amount of money to be allocated
They control the political party in the state
How the political partys interests can be represented by the moving of
budget in the state
The convening powers of the governor are not specified
After the revolutionary war, colonists were weary of giving their governors a
lot of power
Virginia government is significantly weaker due to their short term and
inability to make sufficient changes in that time, despite their ability to
return after 4 years
They also have appointment powers and decide who has power
They set the agenda for the state legislature
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------John Oliver on State Legislature:
Congress is shaping up to be the most ineffective yet because of the Senate
and House of Representatives have different political party
State legislatures are where most legislations are taking place
24,000 vs. something like 180
Missouri: jumping jacks as official state exercise
Some are useless such as ^^
State legislatures are hidden shapers of the government and most people
dont know who the representatives are
They range largely in size
424 in New Hampshire and less than 50 in Nebraska or something
State legislatures are supposed to overlook themselves which shows the
lack of supervision on them
1 in 4 members are part of ALEC and theyre a conservative bill mill
But most people dont know who are in the state legislatures
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Needs to be Added to the Book:
1) Most legislations are being passed in state legislatures and not by the
2) State legislatures have very limited supervision on them and are not
overlooked properly

3) Governors exclusive line-item veto that gives them enormous powers over
the state legislators and they also get to set the agenda
4) Every 10 years they will redistrict their state based on census and
proportional representation due to gerrymandering

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