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''Being physical does not separate you from Source, and having sex does not dimi

nish your Spiritual connection. It is pushing against unwanted, and learning pat
terns of Vibration that are different from the Vibration of Source, that disconn
ects you from Source. There is nothing more Spiritual than to allow the true spi
rit that is you to flow through you into your physical life.'' *Abraham-Hicks Qu
otes (AHQ952)
''Being physical does not separate you from Source, and having sex does not dimi
nish your Spiritual connection. It is pushing against unwanted, and learning pat
terns of Vibration that are different from the Vibration of Source, that disconn
ects you from Source. There is nothing more Spiritual than to allow the true spi
rit that is you to flow through you into your physical life.'' *Abraham-Hicks Qu
otes (AHQ952)''Being physical does not separate you from Source, and having sex
does not diminish your Spiritual connection. It is pushing against unwanted, and
learning patterns of Vibration that are different from the Vibration of Source,
that disconnects you from Source. There is nothing more Spiritual than to allow
the true spirit that is you to flow through you into your physical life.'' *Abr
aham-Hicks Quotes (AHQ952)
Brie on Display by Red Phoenix - the 7th in the Brie series.
Brie s fourth week of submissive training introduces her to public display. From e
ncounters in the vanilla world, to a field trip to a BDSM club she is entranced
by the D/s lifestyle. Brie continues to be tested and stretched by her vigilant
trainers, exposing more of her hidden desires. Shockingly, a new trainer has ent
ered the scene and a third Dom makes his move - one she did not see coming. (18+
BDSM abarca un grupo de prcticas sexuales y fantasas erticas no convencionales o al
ternativas, relacionadas entre s. Esta sigla agrupa el Bondage, la Disciplina y D
ominacin, la Sumisin y Sadismo, y el Masoquismo. Todas las actividades enmarcadas
en el BDSM tienen un elemento comn: los participantes construyen, de forma volunt
aria y con consenso, relaciones con un marcado traspaso de poderes, donde una pa
rte ejerce el rol dominante o activo, y otra parte el sumiso o pasivo...

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