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Abednego Asare (KUS01465 - Level 100 lower)

Introduction to Information Technology (KCIT101)

Write about the differences and similarities between Information
Technology and Computer Science.

Answer to Assignment 1

Many laypersons and even computer literates have the viewpoint that
information technology and computer science seem like the same thing. In
actuality, these fields are typically associated with the study of computers at
university or college level. Information technology and computer science are
within the same realm of study. However, each specialty focuses on specific
aspects of the field, and job opportunities within the two areas vary.
Computer science involves the use of much algorithms and advanced
mathematics. Computer scientists understand the why behind computer
programs. They are focused with the theory of computational applications.
They invent new ways to manipulate computers such as machine or
assembly languages. It is generally concerned with software, operating
systems and their implementation. Computer science involves different
programming languages, linear and discrete mathematics and software
design and development. The field of computer science is based on
Information Technology (IT) in contrast to computer science utilizes existing
operating systems, software and applications in tandem to create a larger
system that solves a specific business problem. IT professionals are the users
of the technology. With the use of existing programming language or
software, they create programs to solve specific problems. Due to the nature
of the work, IT professionals are more likely to interact with clients and coworkers outside of their department. They may help to explain to a client
how to solve technology problems or work with executives and business
owners to construct a technology plan that will meet their business needs. IT
students study network and database design in depth, and receive tuition in
introduction to basic theory and applied mathematics. Successful IT
candidates will possess strong critical thinking skills.
To sum it up, computer scientists design and develop computer programs
and applications. Information technology professionals then use and
troubleshoot those programs, software and applications. These two
professions all work together to make sure hardware, software and user
interface (UI) come together smoothly so that computers can carry out the
tasks businesses and individuals need from them.

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