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Lord Krishna Paintings

Lord Krishna is worshipped in several diverse perspectives in Hindu religion. He is amongst the supreme
personality of all the Hindu deities. Krishna was the 8th incarnation or Avtaar of Lord Vishnu on Earth.
The day when Krishna was born is celebrated as Krishna Janmashthami every year.
It is believed that Lord Krishna made his earthly appearance roughly around 3228 B.C., in the age
between the Dvapara Age and the Kali Yug (current age). The birth of Krishna is itself a supernatural
phenomenon and was very necessary for Earth to experience. At that time, Earth was witnessing
unbearable distress and sins of evil Kings who were the incarnations of several demons. Then, Lord
Vishnu decided to incarnate on Earth in the Yadu dynasty as a child named Krishna, on the request and
pleadings of Goddess Earth.
Shri Krishna was the 8th child of King Vasudeva and Queen Devki who were imprisoned by King Kansa
who was the brother of Queen Devki. On the day of their wedding it was prophesied that their 8th child
will the destroyer of Kansa. To save Devki from the outrage of his brother, Vasudeva promised Kansa to
give away their every new born so that he can kill him and in this way the oracle would not be fulfilled.
At the stroke of midnight Lord Vishnu was born as baby Krishna. The Lord advised Vasudeva to take him
to Nanda who lived in Gokul and exchange him with the newly born baby girl there. Miraculously, his
chains and shackled were opened up, the guards of the prison fell asleep and while crossing the river
Yamuna, water made the way. Vasudeva held the baby in the basket over his head and crossed the river
and reached at Nandas home in Gokul. He then exchanged his baby boy with a baby girl and hurried
back to the prison of Kansa.
When Kansa was informed about the birth of 8th child he rushed to kill the baby. But, when he took the
baby girl in his hands, the baby slipped through his hands. Goddess Yogmaya emerges in the place of
baby. She accused Kansa of killing those innocent babies, for all the sins he did earlier and told her that
his end is near as his destroyer had already taken birth. While in Vrindavan, everyone rejoiced on the
news of the birth of a baby boy in Nandas home.
Kansa sends his demons and tried to kill the baby for several times but all of them were defeated by
Krishna. He was brought up in cowherds family and was loved by everyone.
Lord Krishna was very mischievous child who loved to make pranks and have fun. Even the paintings of
little Lord Krishna depicts the same. Several Lord Krishna paintings depict how they used to have fun in
their adolescence. While other depicts them as the ideal child of innocence or even shows their
mischievous deeds.

Indian Kalakart offers you the most beautiful paintings of Lord Krishna depicting their childhood and
their adulthood as well.

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