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2018 Official Advanced Dungeonsj3)ragons’ ORIENTAL ADVENTURES This fascinating sourcebook 4 All the necessary inforniig@ien to contains all-new information for add Oriental Adventures #@ a AD&D® campaign, for beginnifig to advanced players. PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATIORretraden ORIENTAL ADVENTURES Gary Gygax with David Cook and Francois Marcela-Froideval The rulebook for AD&D® game adventures in the mystical world of the Orient! TSR Inc. TSR UK Us. POB 756 The Mill, Rathmore Road Lake Geneva, Cambridge, CB1 4AD wisaia7 United Kingdom ADVANCED DUNGEONS & RAGONS, ADD, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. OD ogo snd PRODUCTS OF YOUR MAGINATICN Special Thanks to Whenever a project ol his size is put together, there are many people who give thelr time and extra effort to see i through ‘This parteuiary true for Onental Adventures, as there was much assembling an doublechecking ofthe fie details of rules ‘and culture. No doubt there are some who have been let ff this list, but they Ueserve evary praise nonetheless Credits ‘o.Jon Pickens, who produced many obscure reference books and assumed the ole of chet librarian while ‘doing aris other work ‘o Harold Jonson, for besting the inevtable management crises that arose “To Frank Mentzer for his timely reviewing and eagle eye ‘To Doug Niles, Tacy Hickman, Bruce Heard, and Jet Grubb for occasionally savage paytesting To Jim Holloway, for advice and movies “To Dave Sutherand, for much fine work on graphics ‘To the Japanese players—Masataka Ohta, Akira Saito, Hiroyasu Kurese, Takafumi Sakurai, and Yuka Tate-ishi—for ertiquing and improving the manuscript on short tice, ‘To Mike Martin, for being the calm inthe Oriental Adventures storm, [And to Helen Cook, who deserves mention for being patient. ‘S010 these poopie and everyone wha may have been missed, Thank you! Original ADED" Game: Gary Gygax Original Oriental Adventures Concept: Gary Gygax with Francois Marcela Oriental Adventures Design: David “Zeb" Cook Eaitors: Steve Winter, Mike Breault, Anne Gray, and Thad Russell Cover art: Jett Easley Iustrations: Roger Raupp, James Holloway, Jett Easley, and Dave Suthertand Cartography: Dave LaFor Product Design: Linda Bakk, Mike Breault, and Steve Winter ‘Typography: Linda Bakk, Betty Elmore, and Carolyn Vanderbitt, Keylining: Dave Sutherland, Colleen O'Malley, and Linda Bak Proofreaders: Jon Pickens, Harold Johnson, and Bruce Heard Iustrations on pages 50, 69, 72, and 128 are taken from Symbols, Signs & Signts by Ernst Lehner, ‘Dover Pictorial Archive Series, Dover Publiations inc, Distributed tothe book trade by Random House, Inc. and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Lt. Distbuted to the toy and hobby trade by regional dstibvtors, Distibuted in the United Kingdom by TSA UK Lid Copyright 1985 E. Gary Gygax. All Rights Reserved, 1SBN 0.88038.099-3 994:54872-57SR1500 ‘This work is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of ‘the material or artwork presented herein is prohibited without the express writen permission of TSA inc Printed in the US.A, Preface ‘The ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® game system has {grown slowly. From its original roots in the “Fantasy Supple- ment” to CHAINMAIL Medieval Miniatures Rules, the AD&D {game grew to encompass a growing, changing, expanding fan- tasy multiverse. Other planes of existence than our own are dealt with, albeit rather cursorily. New classes of adventurer have been ‘added, along with magic, monsters, and much else. Despite the {growth and change, a whole segment of historically based mate- ‘ial has been neglected ‘CHAINMAIL dealt principally with European and Near Eastern history, and the same is true of the fantasy elements included in the work. When the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS* game system was envisioned and created, it relied very heavily upon the former work, medieval European history, and mythos and myth ‘most commonly available to its authors. Thus, D&D* gaming fol lowed CHAINMAIL, and AD&D gaming followed after the D&D ‘game. in its early development, the D&D game was supple- ‘mented by various booklets, and in one of these the monk, inspired by Brian Blume and the book series called The Destroyer, was appended to the characters playable. So too was this cobbled-together martial ats specialist placed into the AD&D ‘game system, even as it was being removed trom the D&D game. ‘in my opinion, the point certainly went to the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game players! What's this? Is the creator of this whole system about to state that Oriental character-types are unsuitable adventurers? Never! ‘The fact of the matteris hat the admixture of Occident and Orient was an unsuitable combination. The games stressed a European historical base and mythology. Even though the AD&D game ‘monster roster ranges far afield, itis still of basically European flavor. The whole of these game systems are Occidental in ‘approach, not Oriental—at least natin the sense of what is known, a the Far East: China, Korea, Japan, and Mongolia, ‘The year 1980 had not arrived when I began thinking about a version of the ADD game that would feature Oriental campaigns land characters. Good intentions aside, it has taken this long to hieve the desired goal, and enlisted the talents of both David "Zeb" Cook and Francois Marcela-Froideval in order to arrive a8 early as 1985, Because the game system has changed over the intervening years, the exact nature of the approach taken herein diflers from that which was originally envisioned. | am convinced that the alteration is forthe better, and as you partake of the infor- ‘mation herein, and put into play, lam as certain you will concur. Oriental Adventures is a completely new resource for the AD&D ‘game system. As you develop your Oriental Adventures cam- Paign, it is recommended that you remove the monk character class from the European-type campaigns. Why? Because what is found herein is superior and in the proper surroundings as well! Oriental Adventures covers the classes of adventurers, weap- fons, armor, spells, magic, and even the special monsters that ‘make the legend and myth of the Far East so rich and varied. Now itis possible to place the monk, for example, in the proper setting, a place where he will encounter samurai and sohei, combat spirit creatures, deal with bushi and wu jen. Of course, schools of fight ing are covered. So are the differences in weapons between China, Japan, and so on. Culture is also stressed. Honor, dignity, ‘raining in social graces and ceremonies are as important 10 adventurers in this milieu as are experience points and magical ‘treasure. Think about that for a moment. Im fact, this new book is aimed at providing players and Dungeon Masters with the material they need to develop the “other half” of their fantasy world, the Oriental portion. Once this hhas been accomplished, it will be possible for adventurers to roam the whole world, those from the Occident marveling over ‘the mysteries of the East, while brave characters from the Orient journey to the West toleam about the strange and incredible lore ‘which that land holds. Similarities will certainly serve to highlight the vast differences. The purpose of Oriental Adventures is to bring a new facet to the overall game. It offers what is essentially a whole new world {or development of different AD&D game campaigns. The mechanics and rules are basically the same. How could they be different? We are all humans. The professions are fairly similar, but different enough to be exotic. One the exotic becomes mun: dane, the time has arrived for cross-cultural adventuring. This single volume brings you not only the word of the Far East, but ‘also the meeting of East and West when the fuliness of time war- rants such contact. Oriental Adventures isa landmark work in the game system. it brings not only new information; this book adds a whole new ‘world. As such, this is a wonderful event that brings enthusiasts the best of two worlds...lterally. So with the broad concepts behind the volume understood, itis high time to stop wasting time upon a Foreword. Sit down, put your feet up, and prepare to enjoy ‘yourself thoroughly as you read allthe new material, and note the ‘similarities 100, in Oriental Adventures, the latest addition to the ‘AD&D game system. One more thing: Don’t spend too much ime merely reading. The best part of this work s the play, so play and enjoy! Gary Gygax ‘September, 1985 Introductions tis with great pleasure that | writ this For one thing, I fnally have the chance to introduce new readers and ‘gamers toa longtime fascination of mine—the Orient The Orentis chin ‘arity and dversifetion. Though there are similares among ts many lands, each land has its own unique outlook and syle. Thies part of what ‘makes the Orient mysterious and exciting—the exploration ana discovery ‘of ently ditferont cultures. Thus, the Oriental Adventures book is broad In scope—it does not restrict itself toa single country or time period. Pre- sented here is material drawn from Japan, China. Korea, Mongolia, Southeast Asia, and the Phiippines. The historical periods that provi inspration are equally broad—Heian, Kamakure, Sengoku, and Toku- {gawa Japan, Han, T'ang, Sung, and Ming China; ancient Korea; even the Mongo! invasions. “The second pleasure in writing this comes from the reacing | had to do {oprepare. The Oriental Adventures project spurred me to read materials would otherwise never have seen. Some oft was thing and some nt ‘The vanety of topics was huge—iegends, folktales, iterary epics, gon logical histories, philosophy, religion, posty, architecture, land manage- ‘ment, government. istry, marval an, sociology, anthropology, miltary atfairs, economics, ad fion. The bulk o this materal deals with Japan, ‘with China a close second. This is not due to any oversight. Most of the ‘aterial avaiable deals with Japan, through the choice ol vatious writers. From the standpoint of gaming, Japan's history and cutture provises ‘eater opportunities for adventure and advancement. Alnough often S0en as a rigid society, Japan has had several periods of tumultuous Uupheavel where a person ofany rank could make his ame—the Sengoku period or the collapse ofthe Hetan government being only two. Of course, ‘anyone who looks careully at China wil find the same occurred there. However, fewer people cared to write about i ‘Thicly, tis a great pleasure to write this because | get to ipinto anew ‘challenge. In preparing Oriental Adventures, there were many goals 10 ‘meet. Foremost ofthese was the interesting but conficting demands of Pistoreal accuracy and fantastic imagination. There i very lite point in doing a book about Oriental culture if the materal i not accurate, But ‘accuracy can offen be unplayable or just unacceptable. Accuracy here ‘would mean stricter cass structures, ess chance for payer advancement ‘and less adventure. it would mean more Nady rues for ite details that ‘would gt inthe way of play. And rules that might apply to @ Japanese cut {ure would certainly be incorect na stit Chinese culture! Furthermore, ‘he world presented had tobe what people think the Orient is, not neces: ‘arly whatit actualy is. Thus, retrence works and sources ofideas went ‘beyond books and included popular Japanese movies about samurai and ia, the whole family of Hong Kong kung-fu movies, comics, and even those endearing monster epics of giant pti and funny dinosaurs. FFourthy, th Orintal Adventures book allowed me to create the lrame- workot anew worid—KaracTur Throughout these pages are references to {he lands of KaraTur—-Shou Lung, TiLung, Kezakura, and more. Each is broadly modeled after a spectic land and era inthe Far East, allowing @ huge diversity in the styles of play As turer products ae released forthe (Onental Adventures rules, there wil be expansions and additional detail ‘on the fctonal continent t Kare Ofcourse, erating a new continent In your own campaign (and having your players eiscover fs an equally lively and exciting approach, Final itgives me a grea deal of pleasure to wre this Introduction fora personal reason—this the last part ofthe book o be written. With these losing words, I have finished an exciin, challenging, and sometimes: ervewracking project. Take It and discover the lands of mystery con- tained inside. Dungeon Masters and players: prepare yourselves to enter a whole ‘new world—the world of Grental Adventures! The materi! inthis book willenable you to play the ADD* game as you've never playedit belore Inthe lands of Oriental Adventur, characters are not judged solely on their prowess with sword and spel. Oriental characters’ socal skits and ‘ersonal honor are just a important as their combat abilities. When was {he last time politeness and proper manners realy mattered in your cam. pBaign? How can characters associato wih nobly they know nothing Of Courts or court etiquette? How many ADED charactors worry about how their actions reflect upon ther families and comrades? These and many ‘ther intricacies of socal interactions and responsibilities are brought 12 light inthis volume. ‘Don't get the idea that Oriental Adventures charactors don't fight Pages and pages of Oriental weapons and armor are described and ilus- ‘tated here. From the favored weapons ofthe ninja o thin paces of cloth that actually stop arrows, the arms and defenses ofthe Orient are yours in {he lands of Kara-Tur Have a favorite monstar from Japaneee fms? Find it under Gargantua inthe Monsters section! Wart Yo learn a martial arts style or create a now style? You can do tin the new words opened up to ‘yous Oronta Adventures! Wahoo! David “Zeb” Cook September 17, 1985 Don't anyone tll Zeb, but he didn't wit the last part of this Book. This isthe last part of Oriental Adventures to be put to paper. Steve Winter, the shogun of TSR editors, set off on his honeymoon (trough the Orient. ‘coincidentally enough) midway through this project and he passed the torial katana on to me. Alto ate nights and deadline crunches later, 1m now able to breathe a sigh of ret “Things are winding toa close as write ths, Mest ofthe book i wth the printer My pals in Graphic Arts Services no longer scream an run away ‘when | approach. Gasping noises irom Jon Pickens office indicat that he's finally surfacing or alr ater prootreading those pages for weeks, Ino longer assume that the ightat the endo! the tunnelisjust he headlamp of yet another oncoming train. ''m happy that my job is done, but I'm happier stil that you't soon be ‘enjoying the grand vistas opened to you by Onenta Adventures. Now that my taskis ended, yours may begin. So strapon your yor, loosen your katana and wakizashi in their sheaths, and go out there and win one fot Mike Breaut October 2, 1985 Table of Contents (CREATING THE PLAYER CHARACTER. ‘Non-Player Characters ‘The Effect of Wishes on Abilty Scores Character Abilities Strength Dexterty Constitution Inteligence Wisdom Charisma Comeliness ‘CHARACTER CLASSES AND RACES (Glass ana Race Combinations Facial Ability Score Limits Oriental Races... 2-2. -. = Ca ‘Korobokuru 2 Hengeyokal 2 ‘Spit Folk 8 Oriental Classes 2-2... = | ‘Oriental Barbarian “4 Bush 8 Kensal 16 Monk 7 Nia 8 Samurai 2 Shukeria 2 Sohei 2 wu den 24 Yakuza Character Abilities Mutiple Atacks Muli-Class and Dual-Ciass Characters Alignment Languages Glasses and Subclasses FAMILIES, CLANS, AND CASTE Binh Rank Famiy Structure Additional Family Structures Master Family Chart Ancestry Assigning Ancestral Holdings Birtignts 26 26 2 2 28 30 30 3 a a ea 3 a ™ 3 HONOR corecce otc . 35 Staring Honor 3s 3S 35 38 a7 38 = 38 a a 3 “a 6 a ° 50 50 Gaining and Losing Honor Altering Family Honor Effects of Honor MONEY AND EQUIPMENT Starting Money Gajin and Rates of Exchange Equipping the Character Weapons Weapon Equivalents Weapon Descriations Oxiental Adventures Armor ltustrations. Oriental Adventures Weapon llustrations amar. voneen ‘armor Gaseriptions Miscellaneous Equipment Baraing PROFICIENCIES Weapon Proiciencis and Weapon Speciaization Non-Weapon Proficencies. ‘Optional Peaceful Proficiency Bonus Suocoss and Failure Contests, Proficiency Tables Arisan Proficencies Barbarian Profeiencios Common Proficencies Cour Protcencies ‘SHUKENJA SPELLS... ‘Spell Explanations First Level Spile ‘Second Level Spats ‘This Level Spells Fourth Level Spls| Fith Level Spells ‘Sah Level Spells Seventh Level Spel ‘WU JEN SPELLS Fst Level Spels Second Level Spelis Third Level Spells Fourth Level Spels Fith Level Spee ‘Suh Level Spel Seventh Level Spells Eighth Level Speis Ninth Level Spells compar Summary of the Combat Sequence Surprise and tats Initative Moaiers Combat Procedures... Missile Fie from Horseback Unnorsing Disarming Subduing Opponents The Psyenic Duet Martial Aris Siyies Creating a Siie Special Manewvers Principal Methods Montal ane Physical Training Stunning and incapacitating Learning Martial Ans Muttple Styles and Combining Siyles EVENTS AND ENCOUNTERS ‘The Calendar... Yearly and Monthly Events ‘Yearly Events Monthy Events Daily Events... ENCOUNTER TABLES BY TERRAIN TYPE . rkiyo shin Mush kala Men (Wako) Nat Oni Poh ‘shan Sao Tongu eeeeseeaxy eseeeaee seen Besse 100 100 100 S401 401 102 103 105 108 108 108 107 107 S107 107 108 Loe 14 ns 15 n5 16 46 7 18 419 322 1% cre 13 125, 15 126 127 127 128 Table of Contents ‘TREASURE AND MAGICAL ITEMS : 129° AILY LIFE IN KARA-TUR 138 ‘Magia ems Usable by Character Class 1 Dress is Random Treasure Determination = 139, Food 138 Moaeatonsto Sante Mages oa Buidings 139 Potions . Regen 140 Scrolls. Q wand Justice 140 Rods, Sisves, and wands Manners iat Names i ‘iplanaton of Armor Properies BUILDING FLOORPLANS aaa Weapons BIBLIOGRAPHY ua onemaser of inkeen Popa Faw CHART. ie AN OVERVIEW OF KARATUR Population - Shou Lung Tatung wa Kotaku Gain Tables TABLE: STRENGTH 7 TABLE46: CURRENCY EXCHANGE RATES 2 TABLE 2. STRENGTH ADJUSTMENTS 8 —TABLE47: BASIC EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Cost 3640 TABLE 3: DEXTERITY. & TABLE 43: WEAPON EQUNALENTS a TABLE « CONSTITUTION 8 TABLE 49: WEIGHT AND DAMAGE BY WEAPON TYPE a TABLES: INTELLIGENCE 9 TABLE SO: HAND HELD WEAPONS, GENERAL DATA TABLE 6: WisoOM 3 [AND TO Hit ADJUSTMENTS. « TABLE 7 CHARISMA 3 TABLE St: HURLEO WEAPONS AND MISSILES 6 TABLE & COMELINESS ADJUSTMENTS 10 TABLE S2: ARMOA CLASS 3 TABLES. CHARACTER CLASS LIMITS 11 TABLE $3: INDIVIDUAL PIECE ARMOR GLASS a TABLE 10: RACIAL ABILITY SCORE LIMITS, 11 TABLE 54: TYPES OF ARMOR AND ENCUMBRANGE ° TABLE 11: HENGEYOKAI CREATURES 12 TABLES: GARDED WARHOASE BASE MOVEMENT RATES |... 50 TABLE 12: CLASS ABILITY SCORE REQUIREMENTS 14 TABLES: CHARACTER PROFIGIENCIES 5 TABLE 13. ARMOR AND WEAPONS PERMITTED BY CLASS "|". 14 TABLE 67 MISSILE WEAPON SPECIALIZATIONS 5 TABLE 14: BARBARIANS 14 TABLES: ARTISAN PROFICIENGIES = TABLE 15. BARBARIAN BONUSES 18 TABLE SS: BARBARIAN PROFICIENCIES 3 TABLE 16: BARBARIAN CAPABILITIES 18 TABLE 60: COMMON PROMCIENCIES TABLE 17: BUSH! 15 TABLES: COURT PROFICIENCIES 5 TABLE 18: KENSAI 16 TABLE 62: SHUKENUA SPELLS 8657 TABLE 19. KENSAI BONUSES 47 TABLE6S: DIVINATION RESULTS 0 TABLE 20: MONKS 17 TABLE 6: SPEAK WITH DEAD eo TABLE 21: MONK CAPABILITIES 18 TABLES6s: Fare & TABLE 22: NIWUA 19 TABLE 68: WUJEN SPELLS 7374 TABLE 25. NINJA DEXTERITY ADJUSTWENTS 18 TABLE67: HORSEBACK BOWFIRE MODIFIERS 0 TABLE 24: NINJA CAPABILITIES 21 TABLE 68: COMMON MARTIAL STYLES jot TABLE 25: SAMURAI 21 TABLE 69: MARTIAL STYLE COMBINATIONS 02 TABLE 26. SHUKENIA 22 TABLE 70: MARTIAL ARTS SPECIAL MANEUVERS, 4103 TABLE 27. SHUKENJA WISDOM ADJUSTMENTS 2 TABLE 7": YEARLY EVENTS ior TABLE 26. SHUKENIA SPELLS USABLE BY LEVEL 23 TABLE 72 MONTHLY EVENTS 40a TABLE 29: SOHE! 24 TABLE 73: DAlLy EVENTS. 12 TABLE 90. SOHE! SPELLS USABLE BY LEVEL 24 TABLE 74: MONETARY TREASURE AND MAGICALITEMS'- 129 TABLE 31: WUJEN 24 TABLE LA (ORIENT. MONETARY TREASURE 130 TABLE 92. WU JEN INTELLIGENCE ADWisTMEiTS 25 TABLE'IL (ORIENT). MAGICAL ITEMS. 190 TABLE 35: WU JEN SPELLS USABLE BY LEVEL 25 TABLE 75: MAGICAL ARMOR i TABLE 34: YAKUZA 23 TABLE 76. MAGICAL ARMOR PROPERTIES 13 TABLE 35: YAKUZA CAPABILITIES 27 TABLE 77: SPECIAL PROPERTIES 131 TABLE 36: MULTIPLE ATTACKS 28 TABLE 76: MAGICAL WEAPONS 13 TABLE 37: BIRTH REQUIREMENTS BY GLASS 51 TABLE 78: WEAPON PROPERTIES $32 TABLE 38: CHARACTER BIRTH. 31 TABLE 0: SWORD CLASS i TABLE 99: ANCESTRY 33 TABLE 8: BOW, CROSSBOW, AND SLING CLASS 132 TABLE 40: BIRTHRIGHTS 34 TABLE 62: MISCELLANEOUS MELEE CLASS 12 TABLE 41: INITIAL HONOR 35 TABLE SS: MISSILE CLASS. 132 TABLE 42: HONOR AWARDS 36 TABLE G8, MARTIAL ARTS CLASS 132 TABLE «3: CURRENCY VALUES 37 TABLE 65: NINJA CLASS iz TABLE 44: BARTER UNITS STANDARD VALUE 38 TABLE6: ORIENTAL MAGICAL ITEMS 133 TABLE 45: INITIAL CHARACTER FUNDS. 2 CREATING THE PLAYER CHARACTER Each and every character in the AD&D® Oriental Adventures game has seven abilities: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Inteligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Gomeiness. Each aaiity has a score ranging or 310 18. ‘The characters porrayes by the players (called Player Characters) are special n that each is above average in some way. giving them special potential. Most charactors must have exceptional scores (15 or higher in St least two ablities just to survive the rigors ofan adventuring Ie, ‘As players in an Onental ADD" game willbe playing the eame charac: tr over many game sessions, it important tot each player create @ Suitable characte ofthe race and protession he desires, Even an average {character Nas a short ite expectancy inthe weacherous regions of Kara: “ur This ciscourages new players, as does having to make do with some ‘character ofa cass or race the player cart or doesn't want to identity with, Character generation, then, i a serious matte "The fst si abit scores are determined randomly by roling dice (Cometiness is ciscussed lat. In order to gue player characters (PCs) the edge they need to rise above the mundane, these diee rols are weighted to gue betterthan-average results, Fou alternatives fr gener ating player characters ae oferedhere; tis recommended that one ofthe following methods be used Method : Fall 426, ciscarcin the lowest die and totaling the remaining thvee. Do this sx times, hen agsign the six aumbers to the characters abliies however desired Method I Rol306 twelve ims. Retain any sc scores, assigning them to the characters ables as desired Method Il: Roll 346 six imes. Assign any one othe results tothe char- acter’s Strength. Do the same thing for Dextenty, Consituton, lntel- ‘once, Wisdom, and Charisma, in hat order Method IV: oll 306 six tines, assigning the resus in order to Strength, Destenty, Constitution, Inteligence, Wisdom, and Charms, (Do this 12 times 1 create 12 characters, then chogse whichever charac. ter is prefered Non-Player Characters ‘The DM should purposetuly set the ability scores of important NPCs, particulary those of high level and power. (High-level NPCs should have Correspondingly high ait scares’ now else could hey have survived to tise 20 high?) Determine the ablity scores of other non-player characters as folows: For tunotine-mil characters, rol 308 for each abilly, For more ave ‘age scores, count any 1 as 3 and any 6 as 4 For special characters (including Renchmen) roll 346 for each ability {allowing the fll range rom'3 16 18} except the ability or abities ormane {his profession. Forthese abiltes, ether use ane o the four methods or ‘generating PC ably scores or roll366 and add 10 each die that ris aS orless ‘The Effect of Wishes on Ability Scores Itis common for players to use wishes (or ltr reat spelis found on scfolls) to raise thelr ably scores in important or weak abies. This ie 3 legitimate use fora wish, and shouldbe allowed. At some point, Mowever itmust become very ditfcut o raise an ability score, or the campaign wil be overrun by characters with grossly inflated abitios.To prevent hs, ry the folowing guideline: awish or alter realty spelwilfaise an aby score ‘of 315 by one point. The same spels wll alge an ably score of 16 of above by only one-tenth ota point. Thus, a single wish or ater realty spell willie a score of 16 to 16.1 Nine more wishes are needed to reach 17 This doosn't mean that magical Books or devices can't raise scares of 16 ‘or bettr a full point, the prohibition is only on wishes and ater realty spells CHARACTER ABILITIES Each of the seven abilties has an application in the Orantal ADD” ‘game. The abilities, the effects ofthe ability scores, and thelr application Inthe game are detailed inthe flowing sections, Strength Suength measures a character's muscle, endurance, and stamina, This abiiy isthe forte of bushi and samura, for they must be physically powerful in order to wear armor and wield heavy weapons. Therefore, Strengths the mest important ality (“prime requisite”) of bush and one othe prime requisites of samurai. Any Bushiwitha Strength of 15 or more {Gains a bonus of 1036 of earned experience (explained later), Furthermore, samurai, Kensal, barbarians, and bushi with a Strength score of 18 are ented to rol percentile dice to generate a number betwen 1 and 100 to determine exceptional Strength. exceptional Strength improves the characters chance to it an enemy, increases the ‘damage he causes wih each hit, and increases the weigh the character Is able to carry without a penalty for encumbrance. I also increases the ‘character's abit 10 foree open doors and similar poral, “To relate this abil 1o realty, ascume that a charactor with a Stength score of 3 anit a maximum of 30 pounds above his headin a mltary Dress, while a character witha Strength score of 18 can press 180 pounds ‘ris own body weight, whichever is greater, No human or humanoid Creature wth normal Strength, however, can lit more than twice is own ody weight over its head, “Ahhuman with Strength 18 and an additional percentile cice rit can it ‘one adtonal pound for every percentage point frm | 1050 four pounds {or every percentage point from 51 to 99. and eight pounds for each por ‘centage point from 81 to 100. Thus, a person with Strength 18100 ean Ht 470 pounds. ‘Table 1: STRENGTH sity ‘Score General information Minimum Strength for wu jen Minimum Strength for korobokuru 3 4 5 8 Minimum Strength for spc fae 7 8 9 Minimum Strength for shukenja & bushi 12 Minimum Strength for hengeyokai & Kensal 13 Minimum Strength for samurai & sohe! 1 Minimum Strength fr barbarian & monk 18 Maximum Strength for shukenja, monk, wu jen, & yakuza 38100 Maximum Strength for human 18 Maximum Strength for Korobokuru CHARACTER ABILITIES (DEXTERITY) ‘able 2: STRENGTH ADJUSTMENTS. ‘Ability Hit Damage Weight Open Bend Bara! Score Probabitty Adjustment Allowance Doors Lit Gates 3 3 1 it aon +s 2 4 1 7 a one fie | on 29 normal none ny 1011 normal fone 2 1213 normal none 12 ty 1615 normal none 2M $8 nema “1 13 tom 7 va 4 13 a8 8 4 22 13 188 reorso 14 33 13 20% wasi7s 12 3 ee wre +2 4 14 30m warso +2 ts 140) 3506 130043 te Qe 2 ” in) 50% ‘The categories andentresin Tables 1 and 2 are explained inthe follow: ing sections, Hit Probability adjustments are addod to or subtracted to ber rolled on 1420 during melee. bonus makes the oppon hit; a subtraction makes him harder to hit. (Complete combat tables Appear inthe section ited Combat) Damage Adjustment also apples to melee. The listed number Is ‘added to or subtracted from the ce rolled to determine how much dart age is caused by an atack (a successtul to hit rol can never cause less {than 1 point of damage). For example, a wakizash) normally causes 108 points of damage. An aitacker with a Strangin score of 17 causes one ‘extra point of damage, fora range of 27, ‘Weight Allowance is the weight a character can carry without being ‘encumbered, These weights are expressed in terms of coins. 10 coins \weigh 1 1b. A human carrying up o he ised weight can move 12° pet ‘ound. Each addtional 350 coins (95 Ib.) slows the characte by 25 par. ‘ent (3" per round fora human). ‘Open Doors indicates the character's chance to foree open a heavy ot stuck door. When a character tris to force a doo open, rol 1. I he results in the indicated range, the door opens. A character can keep try ing to open a door unt it rally opens, But each attempt takes time (exactly how much is up tothe OM) and makes qute a lot of noise ‘Numbers in parentheses are the characters chance to open a locked, barred, or magiealyneld door, but only one attempt per door ean ever be ‘made. It tas, no further attempts by that characte can eucceed Bend Bars/Lift Gates slates the characters percentage chance to bend normal, soft iron bars oF it @ vertical gate (prteuls), When the character makes the attomp, rol percentie dice. I the number rll is less han or equaltothe listed number, th character bends the barso its ‘the gate Ifthe attempt fas, the character can never succbed a that ask ‘character can, however. ry 10 bend the Bars ona gate that he couldnt li and vice versa, Dexterity Denerty encompasses several physical atibutes incuding hand-eye coordination, agity, reaction speed, efiexes, ad balance, Dextertyatfacts how quickly charactor acts athreat or supe, his accuracy wit town weapons and bows, and his aby to dodge an enemy's blows. tis the prime ‘equate of rina, and affects ther professional sks. Ninja with a Dexterty 30018 of 16 or higher gain a bonus of 108 on eamed expecence. Reaction/Attacking Adjustment is a modifier that applies both to autacks with thrown weapons and bows (calectvely called mssile weap. (ons), and to situations involving surpris The adjustment is added to oF ‘subtracted from the characters dice rol to at with a missile weapon, I 20 modifies the dice rol when the characteris surprising another char acter oF creature, or being surprised Defensive Adjustment applies toa character's saving throws against attacks that can be dodged: reba, igntning bots, boulder, et. also ‘adities the character's Armor Ciass. representing hs ably to dodge ormal missiles and parry weapon thrusts. For example, Ieyasu is ‘armored with a haramakido, sode, and kote, making him Armor Class 6 (AC 6) I his Dexterty score is 16, his Armor Class madiied by 20 4, ‘making him harder 10 ha. If his Destenty score is 5, hss Armor Cass is modified by * 2108, making im easor tot ‘Table 3: DEXTERITY Reecton/ ‘Abity Attacking Defensive ‘Score General information Agjustment Adjustment 3 73 we ‘ 2 33 5 5 2 5 Miimum Dexterty for korobokury 3 4 7 ° ° 3 Mrimum Dextety for bushi 8 ° 8 Minimum Dexterity or engoyokad ° ° 0 ° ° n ° ° 12 Minimum Doster for spt folk ° ° 3 ° 9 14 Minimum Dexterty for kon ° ° Derberan, and niga 15. Minimum Dexter fo monk ° a] 6 4 t2 ba te “3 8 4 4 Constitution A character's Constitution score encompasses his physique, ness, ‘heath, and physical resistance iohardship, injury. and disease, Since ts ablity affects the characte’'s hit dice and changes of surviving such tre: ‘mendous shocks as being physically reshaped by magic or resurrected from death, itis vitally important to all clasees. Some classes have min ‘mum allowable Constitution scores. ‘character inital Constitution score isthe absolute limit on the num ber of times the character can be raised o resurrected from death, Each such revival reduces the character's Constitution score by ane. Magic can restore a reduced Constitution score tits original value or even higher, but this has no effect whatsoever on the numer of tins a character can be revived from death! Once the character has exhausted his original ‘Constitution, nothing short ofa wish ean bring him back For exampla,leyasu’s Constitution sore a the start of his adventuring ‘caver is 12. He can be revived trom death 12 times I! he dies again, Ne ‘cannot be resurrect of raised. ‘Table 4: CONSTITUTION System ‘Ait HitPoint Shock Resurrection Score General information Adjustment Survival Survival 3 2 358 ONG 4 4 20% 45% 5 4 45% 50% 6 Minimum Constitution 4 50% 5596 for spint tok 7 ° 55% 60% 8 Minimum Constitution ° cow 586 for bushi 8 Minimum Constitution ° 5% 70% for shukonja 10 Minimum Consthution ° TO 75% for sobet 11 Minimum Constitution ° 75% 80% for moni 12 Minmum Constitution ° 0% 856 ‘or korobokutu and hengeyokai 13° Minimum Constitution ° 85% 90% for samurai 14 Maximum Constitution ° am 92% for spirit tok 15 Minimum Consttution a 91% tte for barbarian 16 2 95% 9686 v7 2-97 97% 9a 8 +24) 98% 100% * Bonus applies only o samurai, bushi, Kensal and sohe! characters ll ‘other classes but barbarian may receive maximum nit point bonus adjustment for Constitution of *2 HitPoint Adjustments added to or subtracted from each hit ie rolled forthe character. Howover no hit die ever yielés fewer than 1 Nt point regardless of modifications. Itan adjustment would lower the number rolled 0 or les, consider tne final result to be ‘Only bushi, Kensal Samurai, and sone! are entitled to a Constitution bonusof = 36r = 4. wujen, shukenja. ninja, or yakuza with Constitution 18 receives only + 2 per hit di. ‘System Shock Survival state the percentage chance a character has to survive magical effects whion reshape or age his body: petrfcavon (including fesh to stone), polymorph, and aging. For example, a wicked ‘wu jen pobymorphe his dim-wited hreling ino a tengu. The birelng, \wnese Constitution score is 13, has an 85 percent chance to survive the Change, Assuminghne survives, he musi make the system shock ollagain when he is polymorphod back to his orginal form, or the character des. Resurrection Survival ists a character's percentage chance tobe suc ccessully resurrected or raised rom death by a shukenja. The player must Fal the listed number or less on percentile ce for tne character to be Fevived. ithe dice rol fal, the characteris nally and irrevocably dead, regardless of how many mes he has previously been revived, Intelligence Inteligence i similar to what i known as iteligence quotient. or 1, but algo includes memory, reasoning, and learning abilty Intligencs ictates the number of languages a character can learn (some non- humans ean speak many languages, but their Inteligence determines row wel, Inteligence isthe prime requste of wujen, who must be perspicacious to understand and memorize magical spells Awy jen with an Intligence score o 16 or higher gain a bonus of 1038 on earned experience. The wu jon'sInoligence dictates which spels he can lean and alec the num ber of spells he can remember atone time. Only the highest Intelligence ‘can comprehend the mighty magi of Stevel spel. ‘Table 5: INTELLIGENCE Ability Possible Number of Score General information Ad 3 Minimum intetigence for korobokuru 0 4 ° 5 ° é ° 7 ° 8 1 8 1 10 Minimum inteigence for 2 use of Steve wu jn spells " 2 12 Minimum intetigence for 3 hhengeyokat & spnt folk Minimum Intligence for use of éthevel wu jen spells 13 Minimum inetigence for wu jon 3 14 Minimum intligence for samura 4 imum Intetigence for use of Tvevel wu jon spells 15 Minimum inteligence for nina ‘ Maximum Iteligence fo korobokur 16 Minimum Inteligence for 5 Use of Bthlevel wu jen spells 7 6 18 Minimum intetigence for 7 Use of tvlevel Wu jon spells Wisdom Wisdom describes a composite ofthe character’ enlightenment, judge ‘ment. qui, wilpower, and inuiton. can atfect the character's resis. ‘ance 1 magical atack. Its the prime requisite of shukenja: those with @ Wisdom seareof 16 or higher gain a bonus of 1096 on earned experience. ‘Shukenja and sohes with Wisdom scores of 13 or higher also gain bonus spells over and above the number they are normally alowed to use, CHARACTER ABILITIES (CHARISMA) | Attack Adjustment listed on Table 6 apphes to saving throws against magical spols that attack the mind: bogung, charming, Tear, hypnosis, lusons, possession, suggestion, etc. These bonuses and penaltes are applied automaticaly witout any conscious eff from the ‘character ‘Tie 6: WISDOM. ‘ity Magical Attack Score General information ‘Adjustment 3 3 4 2 5 4 6 4 7 1 8 pone 8 Minimum Wisdom for spr fl one 10 Minimum Wisdom for sohe! one un pone. 12 Minimum Wisdom for kensal, ‘pone shukenja, and nengeyoks! 43. Minimum Wisdom for samurai one “ one 415 Minimum Wiedom for monk 7 16 Maximum Wisdom for barbarian 32 17 Maximum Wisdom for korobokuru +3 18 M4 ‘The Charisma score measures a characters pesuasiveness, personal ‘magnetism, and ability lead. iis nota reflection of physical atractive- ‘ess though the two are closely related is important toll characters, ‘ut especialy to those who must deal with non-payer characters, merce- ary bielings, retainers, and ineligont monstars. It dictates the total ‘humbor of Henchmen a character can retain and affects the loyaky of henchmen, hielings, and retainers. ‘able 7: CHARISMA, Maximum sity No.of Loyalty Reaction ‘Score Generalinformation Henchmen Base’ Adjustment 3 ome 25H : 1 25% “20m 5 2 Zo 18 é 2 net 10% 7 4 10% 0596 8 305% normal 8 4% normal oral 10 &fermal normal " ermal —-hormal 12 Minimum Charisma for 5S formal normal hengeyorai 8 S normal +0586, 14 Minimum Charisma for 6 osm F308 spit tok and ninja 1s 715% +1506 18 Maximum Chariema for 8 lao 12586 17 Maximum Chariemater 10+ 20% = 20% hengeyokai 8 184m + 59% ‘Maximum Number of Henchmen sites the number of NPCs wio wil ‘serve the charactor as permanent, unpaid companions. This isan abso lute lit henchmen who aa killed or who leave because of mistveatment ‘cannot be replaced. This number does nat affect the number of NPCs who serve the character for pay, only those who serve purely out of loyalty Loyalty Base isan acjustment tothe base loyally scores of henchmer soldiers, and other servfors Reaction Adjustments a pena or bonus appiedo NPCs reaction de roll when they moot the charactoc A character with iow Charisma, or exar ‘le, hasan tial disadvantage when tying to bribe his way across a blocked Brdge, A character wth high Carma might pass the guards much more {cheaply oF sucoesstly demand that they alow him to cross without ibe. CHARACTER ABILITIES (COMELINESS) Comeliness Comeliness retlects physical attractiveness, social grace, and personal ‘beauty. I atfects intial actions to the character, and may alec he ws ‘and actions of others. While Charisma deals specticaly with leadership ‘and loyalty, Comeliness deals wth attractiveness and fst impressions, Cometness isnot Charisma, but Charisma can afl Comelness. A charac ters Comeliness score i determined by ring 33 to get rumber rom 310 18. Prayers then consult Table 8: Comeliness Adjustments to see how tele characters’ Charisma scores affect their inal Comeliness scores A human character's Comeliness score can range from. 2 1023 the char ‘acte's Charisma changes during the game, whether rom disease, dstig. ‘urement aging, or a magical ffect, his Comeiness should be adjstod ®t ‘anidenitcal manner (alos of one point from Charisma causes the loss of ‘one point from Comeliness), ‘Table 8: COMELINESS ADJUSTMENTS Charisma Cometiness Adjustment 2orless 3 as 7 68 sna 1315 16:7 18 180rmore {n addition tothe adjustment to Comeliness based on Charisma, cha ‘acters of certain races have an adaitonal adjustment to their Comelness ‘scores, This racial adjustment applies only when the characters interact Ing win characters of ther races, Korobokuru:-2 Hengeyokal 1 Spint Folk: +1 ‘Among humanoids, Comeliness has the following effects. (The cate- {ory of humanoids includes, but is not necessarily Fmited to, humans, 1 bonus onal saving throws versus fire-based aniacks. ‘Sea spirit folk are not fected by changes In the sea, nor do they receive healing benefits rom t. Once a year they can recsive one favor from the sea—a volent storm, tat saling winds, rain, the recovery of a articular tom trom the bottom ofthe ocean, ete. The Sea spit folk must {sk fora specif thing. Should two sea spit folk ever make opposing ‘quest, neither wil be grated and the favors for that year are ost ‘Of al the spt lords, the Lord of the Sea has the most authority and takes most interest inthe activities of his kin. Ha sea sprit folk charactor raises his honor to 85, the Lord ofthe Sea bestows agit upon him. This may be a valuable reasure from the bottom ofthe ocean, special ery. ice, or a magical item such as the pear of sing tae. This git is given with no Conditions or expectations of repayment. ORIENTAL CLASSES ORIENTAL CLASSES Table 12: CLASS ABILITY SCORE REQUIREMENTS character ‘Case STR DEX CON INT wis. CHA Barbarian 3 te ge A Bush oie 3 8 > Kenea! eS ee Mone 6 6 on fF MT Neva So we 2 og Fog Samurai we > 38 wo Ff Shuken 9 = ote is Sober cS ew Widen = 5 Saag OR Yavuze ns = a "Barbarians must nave Wisdom 16 (oles) Number ft crs ee manent 186 bonus on eared expert ARMOR AND WEAPONS PERMITTED BY CLASS ‘Wespone 04 Poison ay" or nm axe (and), bo sick, yes never bokaton, chain, gunsen ite jostck, ama, kser, sa, haramak, ‘ing, sing staf. spear, linge, tetaubo, tee-piece suadod rod, turia Teather Sone any” none Any butblowpipe, yes onlyit ‘katana nea, ou ‘kode, shaken Shkom2e, shurken fam FIGHTER Kensal none none any* yes OMS ‘option Barbaran any any ary* yes DMs option Bushi ary, any,— any yes OMe conten Macic user Wilden none none Bostick boku-ton, yes. OMS ‘lowpipe, Dow opton (shor), chain dagger, Sar, gunsen, ite. Stk, hiseru, mato bah, sa shaken, shuren (any). Sangkam sing, sword (shor. tte, uch ne MONK none none _-Martai ats weapons no. DM's (ary 2x6 (rand) boku” Spon ton, chk crossbow (any) dagger, days, halberd, ave, kama, kusar-gama, lasso, aginal, parang. ‘pear tent HEF Ninja eather, none anyt yes yes chain Yaruza leather, added none any yes yes * Proficiency ino use o sina pretrred weapons wil lead toa loss ot honor forthe character ** The use of ol in personal combat unacceptable, but the character an use om stoge marta + Ninja characters must use the proiciences to gin nina preferred weapons. “ Oriental Barbarian Prayers familar with the barbarian class described in Uneartned Arcana, ‘should read iis section carefully, as Oriental barbarians are dierent rom their Western count ‘Abarbarian musthave Strength and Constitution scores of 15 or beter, {Dexterity score of 14 or beter, and a Wisdom score of 16 oles, Barbar: fans have no prime requisite and never gain an experience point bonus ‘They cannot be lawful. Humans and korobokuru can be barbarians. ‘aroarians ral 12-sided ice o determine thei hit points, gaining one die perlevel. Tey use he combat and saving throw tables of fighters. They can Use any weapons and armor. Ther nial selection of weapon profciereses, however. is tmited, depending on where the barbarians om, ‘Sarbarians gain an additional 2 nit poims per level for every point of Constitution over 14 instead ofthe Constitution bonuses listed on fable & Garbarians as aciass detest magic and those who vse it Atiow levels ol ‘experience they cannot use any sort of magical tem and even at higher levels they can use only aw magical items. They never gain experience for dlacovering or possessing a magical tem. I' Darbarian destroys @ ‘magical item, however, he ears its full experience point value. In aad tion atlow evels barbarians cannot associate wth wu jen or spirit folk, but ‘consider them deadly foes (se Table 15: Barbarian Bonuses for resinc= ‘ions on barbarians adventuring with wujen an spt folk). Even at higher levels, barbarians view these characters with suspicion 12Sided Dice Experience for Accumulated evel Hit Pointe " 1 2 2 a 3 16,001—32,000 ‘ 4 22,001—75,000 5 5 75,001—130,000 8 6 130,001—240,000 7 7 240,001—460,000 8 8 -480,001—900,000 9 are '900,001—1,400,000 10 ar8 1400,001—1,900,000, 1 ari ‘500,000 experience points are required foreach level beyond 1th Barbarians gain 4 hp per level beyond Bin ‘At st evel, the barbarian has the folowing specalcapabilties (also see Table 18), Climb clits and trees: The barbarian can cimb trees and natural clits (ledges, mountains, etc) with the percentage chances given on Table 16: Barbarian Capabities. When attempting to cio other, smocther su faces (walls, et.) the chance of success is one-half normal, Hie in natural surroundings: The barbarian can hide in tariiar nate ral surroundings (similar to those in hishome raion) withthe percentages listed on Table 16. When trying to hide in unfamiatterain, the chance of ‘success is one-half the normal percentage, ‘Surprise: Barbarians have #3 in 6 chance to surprise an opponent. They ae surprised only ona 1 ‘Beck protection: Wien attacked from behind including by arinj), the ‘barbarian has a 5% chance pr level of detecting the attacker. detected, the atackis treated asa normal attack wih no bonuses for attacking fom behing. In accton, the barbarian automatically gets a tee atack at the ‘@pponent behind him. This atack happens at the end of the round and {06s not count agaist the numberof atacks the barbarian can make dur ing the roune. ‘Leaping and springing: Barbarians can leap up 10 10 feet forward three feet backwara, or three feet upward from a standing tat, If he Bar- ‘arian gets a running star he can leap forward 16-21 feet (15 1d8) oF "upward 46 feet (4 104, with each pip ofthe ce equaling six inches). Detect illusion: A barbarian has a 5% chance pe level of detecting lu sions. This requires one round of concentration wile the barbarian focuses on his senses. A barbarian’s chance to detect an illusion can ‘never be great than 75%, Detect magic. Barbarians have a base 25% chance plus 5% per level ‘of detecting any type of magic other than iusions. This requires one ‘und of concentration and applies to spells and tems. t does not allow the barbarian to detect spelicastes or creatures who can cast spas. Suc: ‘cessful detection only reveals ha something magial i present, not # type ‘or function. The chance of detection can never be greater than 90 percent Leadership: When dealing with barbarians of the same tibe or region ‘asthe character, 2 barbarian character adds Nis level of experience ois Charisma seore when determining nis maximum number of henchmen, loyalty base, and reaction adjustment eating: The barbarian character, toughened by his Kein the wild, heals at ice the normal healing rate. Ths ability has no elect on eure spells or magical healing of any type. Barbarians begin the game with nine protciency slots. Up to six of these slots can be filed with weapon proficencies. The remaining sits ‘canbe filed by skils determined by he region the barbarian som. A barbarian speaks the language of his tibe and the trade language. No barbarian slats the game knowing how to read or write. Korobokury speak only those languages allowed by ther race In adation the powers possessed by barbarians at tstievel, they gain ditional capabiltes(orhave restrictions ited) as they inerease in level. ‘These are summarized on Table 15: Barbarian Bonuses. ‘Table 15: BARBARIAN BONUSES abity 3 Can use magical potions 4 Can use magical weapons “Ton all saving throws versus spel! 5 ‘Can use magical armor 6 Earns hall xp on adventures with wu jen and spr folk 7 Gan use weapor-ike miscellaneous magical tems 8 Eams ful xp On adventures with wa jon and spi fk 9 Gan use protection scrolls (ithe can tead) 10 ++20n saving throws versus spell " an summon a Barbarian Horde 2 ‘Son saving throws versus spell ‘ble 16: BARBARIAN CAPABILITIES Character Back Detect Detect Level” Climb Hide Protection illusion Magic 1 85 258% 5% 5% 3086 2 85% 31% 10% 10% a5 3 87% SHS] 15M HO 4 BB 43% 20%) 20M AB 5 50 40% 525M 5 90% = 56% «= 00M 7 91% 6am 353506 892% 70%) 40H 0M 9 0% «7745 aH 70, 10 945 B50 50758 11 95% 93% 5555 55% OH Wann tne wot of venta ADD" Adventures, there ar three tetris where barbarians ve—the barren steppelands, the forested seacoast of the oth, and the junjes ofthe south. All barbarians come Rom one of these ‘areas. Each area alows the character a diferent slecton of proficincios. ‘Steppeland barbarians: Those barbarians are roving nomads, mas- ters ofthe horse. Their proferred weapons are the igh tance, horsebow, ‘sword, and hand axe. Profciencies they can choose from are horseman Ship, long-distance signaling, outdoor raf, tracking, animal handing, ‘weapon smith armorer Bowyer, running, dancing, singing, weaving an fing, sound imitation, survival, and chanting, Theso barbarians usually lve in leather tents, flowing the movements of migratory herds. They ‘aise small nerds of cattle and sheep, but practice no ther agriculture, Forest barbarians: These barbarians ive Inthe snowy forests that dot smal islands and line the coasts ofthe northern part of the wold. Their Breferred weapons are spear, shoribow. hand axe, harpoon, and sword. Proficioncies they ean choose from ara small watercraft fishing, tacking. ‘survival, animal handing, weapon smithing, pottery, owyer, sound mit tion, snare building, weaving, tanning, carpentry. agriculture, singing. ‘chanting, dancing, and rhetonc. These barbarians lve in smal, perma: rent villages. The women raise small ops, the men hunt and fish, ‘Jungle barbarians: These people Iv in the tropical jungles of the ‘south. het profe-red weapons are blowgun, spear sword, hand axe, and ‘dagger. Proficencies they can choose from are small water cra hing, Swimming, survival, animal handling, carpentry, weapon smith, amore ‘sound imitation, snare building, pottery, tracking, chanting, dancing, 16 ORIENTAL CLASSES (BUSHI) music, and sailing erat. They ve in permanent vitages, surviving by ‘gathering jungle plants, hunting wild animals, and fishing, Barbarane are automaticaly considered outsiders and thus occupy the lowestlevels othe caste systom. Barbarian characters never ola Table ‘38: Character Birth. When dealing with people from the sated lands. the bin of the barbarian has itle importance. The military and financial power one barbarians far more important factor. The barbarians clan fs vory important t him and other barbarians, and all barbarians must belong toa particular clan “The Barberisn Horde: Upon reaching 11thlevel, a barbarian may sum ‘mon a barbarian horde. This orde can only be summoned in the Barbar an's native terior, from among those of his background. The horde ean include a number of men equal to is leader's experience pont total