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why Do We Do Thatp QPSSPRED eet Match the customs to the original superstitions ___ Designating a specific ring finger __ The bride wears a veil ___ The bride wears a white gown __ Serving wedding cake to guests __ Cutting the wedding cake together ___ Bride stands on the left of groom ___ The bride carries a bouquet ___ The groom wears a boutonniere ___ The wedding party dresses alike ____ Tie cans to the wedding car ___ Bride wears something blue ___ The men have a stag party ___ Carrying the bride over the threshold ___ Couple goes on a honeymoon __ Have a ring bearer __ Have a flower girl dropping petals ___ Bride throws the bouquet Groom throws the garter 6 10. 1. 12, 13. 14, 15, 16. 17. 18. The strong smell wards off evil spirits This shows the bride and groom are considered royalty Wearing his lady’s colors to display his love Marriage is doomed if the ring is dropped by the groom To distract guests so they keep their hands off the bride To confuse evil spirits about who was really married Proves the bride’s worthiness It contains the vein of love So the bride’s good fortune is passed on The bride tripping meant bad luck To defend his bride, his right arm must be free Considered a cooling off period for the bride's family The noise frightens away evil spirits Symbolizes the couples shared future Wards of evil spirits by disguising the bride To kiss the bachelor days goodbye Guarantees the couple many chances to have kids So guests can collect crumbs as a token of good luck

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