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Tala Tabrizi

Professor Amber Ward

Art 133 pm (85420)
8 October 2015
Unit Paper 3
Pinks (2006) chapter Introducing the Six Senses was an interesting article, and I was able
to relate this reading to what I have done with the studios in class like the empathy braid. The big
idea of Pinks reading is to use the six senses and think outside the box to broaden students
thinking and instead of creating something functional why not be creative. Pink (2003), states
design, story, symphony, empathy, meaning, and play all will guide our lives and shape our
world (p.67). Pink demonstrated a different understanding of the six senses, & how to apply
these into our artwork, and in the hopes of people putting more meaning, empathy and more in
their life. Every one of these senses is used all the time in many peoples lives but instead people
just do whats faster such as focus, and accumulation of getting a task done and over with it.
During the empathy braid in class, I was able to reminisce a time to which I was
empathetic and the story behind it by creating a visual image and telling the story of when I was
empathetic to a friend. I learned from Pink in this chapter, that life is too short to just do the bare
minimum and have no enjoyment in doing it but rather look at an assignment or studio and think
creatively, you might end up surprising yourself. For my career, I would love to do something
like an empathy braid or a creative project that helps the student understand their story or what
may be upsetting them and to create a work of art that can help them understand the problem in a
different way if they are having a hard time explaining it verbally.
Pink, D. (2006). A whole new mind: Why right-brainers will rule the future. New York, NY: The
Berkely Group.

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