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Week 9/28/15

This week I met with my mentor on Friday. She did not have any clients that day so
she showed me the proper filing process. I did not realize filing clients cases was
such a difficult process. Like expected, the case files have to be placed in
alphabetical order. However, they also have to be separated based on the lawyer
who is taking the case. This is because my mentor is not the only lawyer in her
office. In addition to this, filing is then broken down into the type of case it is. For
example a divorce case for my mentor who not be filed in another lawyers criminal
law cabinet. Before a case can make its way into a file, the client must fill out a
client questionnaire. The questionnaire contains simple information about the client
and then goes into depth about why the client needs legal services. The
questionnaires are placed in binders and are also alphabetized. After the
questionnaire is reviewed, meetings are set, and proper payment has been made,
then the case can make its way into a file. Some cases have some much information
in them that they turned into boxes instead of files.

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