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Dear Mohammad,

after your arrival you need to go directly to:

Dom Studencki "Owek"

pl. Grunwaldzki 30
50-363 Wrocaw

You will get a key to your room at the reception desk, you just need to show them
your ID card or Passport.

If you arrive that late I would suggest you to take a taxi. It shouldn't cost more than
15-20 EUR.
You can also take a bus but there is no one direct one so you would have to take
first bus no 249
and than change to 255 on Pietrusiewicza STOP.

If you would like to stay in the room with your friend just inform about it upon your
arrival at the reception
or contact the administration of your dormitory before your arrival:
Akademik Olowek <>

I wish you a safe trip to Wrocaw!

Best regards,


-Barbara Pietrzkiewicz

Erasmus+ Program
Biuro Wsppracy Midzynarodowej/International Office
Uniwersytet Wrocawski/ University of Wroclaw
Pl. Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wrocaw, Polska/Poland

tel: +48 71 375 2703

fax: +48 71 375 2211

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