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The K+12 program is an educational system started by the

Aquino Administration. The Government would add two years plus
Kindergarten to the ten years of basic education, hence the name
of the program: K+12. Many people think that this program is
unnecessary and insignificant but the others think that it will help
improve not only the educational system but the Philippines as a
whole. This program helps make the standard of education higher
because we can add more to the present curriculum and therefore
add to the students knowledge . The quality of education we
have nowadays is reflected in the inadequate preparation of high
school graduates for higher education. It somehow shows that
high school graduates also do not possess the basic competencies
and emotional maturity for the world of work. Therefore, through
K+12 program, students will have longer time to do more
exercises and problem sets that will be efficient to master the
core subjects under same global curriculum. Also, for them to be
well-prepared especially in emotional and cognitive aspects. With
this, they will be more employable and competitive, ready to face
the pressures of the real world and lastly, they will be able to
choose their career which best suit in their abilities. Another
benefit or advantage if K-12 system is that students performance
might get affected because of the changing of the system.
Students could improve their performance because many topics
can be tackled and learned by the students because of the longer
years they stay in school (K-12 academics) . Although this sounds
good but most students will get bored because they would think
that this is unfair for them to spend more years in school and
might affect the students performance. This is because they will
not have freshmen for two years because of the extra years in the
primary education. This will be hard on Universities since they
need a constant flow of students in order to maintain facilities ,
These arguments, whether good or bad, are good points of view
on the K+12 program , I feel that there are a lot of good things
that can come out of this program and they outweigh the bad
things. Sure, more money will be spent by both the people and
the government and that there will be two more years of
education but at least the children get quality education which

will prepare them for the future. One thing is clear, the Philippines
is looking ahead. With a growing population and a budding
economy, demand for quality education is high. Many Filipino
parents welcome the basic education and are looking forward to
more opportunities for the children in vocational and higher

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