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Ashley McKenzie

Learning Journal Entry #1
In comparing John Rawls principles of justice, the U.N.s Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, and USCIS Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities, Ive noticed that a majority of
all of them are centered around building up the community. Rawls also emphasizes equality for
all people, not influenced by race, sex, physical handicaps, generation or any other characteristic
which is mentioned in all of the documents listed.
Some differences I recognized from the U.N.s Universal Declaration of Human Rights
and the USCIS Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities was that the U.N.s list was much more
extensive, although, the USCIS includes a list of responsibilities such as laws. The only mention
of laws that citizens need to follow in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the very last
article, 30, that states nothing in this Declaration is giving anyone permission to destroy any
rights or freedoms that were previously listed.
The Difference Principle in John Rawls was interesting to me how he described it as
needing to have the greatest benefit for the least advantaged persons. I also noticed how all three
documents says something about community service/wellbeing and how people have the right to
always try to improve society; it is referenced as a responsibility in the USCIS Citizenship
Rights & Responsibilities and seems to be part of the requirements in Rawls Difference

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