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Navia Walden

March 25, 2013

Service Learning
Dr. Snowden-Langley

Service-learning is a "course-based, credit-bearing educational experience in which

students participate in an organized service activity the meets identified community needs, and
reflect on the service activity in such a way as to gain further understanding of course content, a
broader appreciation of the discipline, and an enhanced sense of personal values and civic
responsibility". To have everyone informed aware of recycling I would implement a service
learning project called Get Active.
Get Active is applicable for students from grade school to college. My first step will be
educating them on environmental issues. Then, taking them around a nearby neighborhood or
lake, showing how certain behavior affects our environment such as pollution, waste, and
littering. I think it will affective letting them visually see what it happening to our community.
Based off the information they acquire, we will start recycling products, using energyefficient appliances as well as using recycled products for six months and see how much money
we save overtime. Also, students will become actively involved in preparing and taking
recyclable items to a local pick-up center. Students will report to the school and student body the
findings and totals on the number of recycled items saved from the trash and taken to the recycle
center. Through announcements made to the student body, and a letter writing campaign,
students will solicit the support of peers and adults to increase their involvement in recycling. As
a culminating activity, students will host a screening of a DVD documenting the recycling
project from start to finish showing what they learned and how they helped their community.

In conclusion, my Get Active service learning program will be affective for students
grade school to college. It will help students become aware of their surroundings learning to
recycle and keep their environment waste free. Also, seeing peers of their age will motivate them
as well because they are helping for the same cause. This will instill environmental values and
lead to savings for the school.

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