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sures 3 Best Exercisos for Building Badass Wings THE ONE THAT STARTED IT ALL ae eer ‘anes se Baking, eases Fl aro, Hos Seed above? WITH MUSCLEMAG 3 Best Exercises for Building Badass Wings me ‘Add these three exercises to your back routine to build wings that will help you soar to the top of your bodybuilding game. Awe, selpted, V-shaped back is something that mos liters strive for. The biggest contributor to geting this ook isa huge set of ts, or wings as they are called I you want to take your lat spread tothe ext level, make sure to incomporate these The Latissims doris Latin for “broadest muscle of the back, Latissis me ing "bodes," and dorsum meaning “the ba The las are one ofthe biggest muscles ofthe back and are responsible for scapula reaction internal rotation ofthe shoulder joint extension, adduction, and Iransverse extension. The lls area ange flat rengular muscle that attaches atthe spine (from mid sack al the way down to hip area) and ran underneath the armpit attaching to the homens The ats az the igg he primary mus and mst power sce sponsible fora wide, V-shaped Ado we trasform our chicken wings into gigantic peo This old-school exercise hasbeen sed for generations by some ofthe biggest, beddest men around. Wide-grip pull-ups are one of the best bck exercises you ct do, and they bit {he lat especialy hard, Grip the pull-up ber with an extra wide grip and hands pronated (palms facing out). As you do your pull-up, hpihwww musclemag.con3-bestexercises-er-ulting-badass-wings! Cg Cd Mane d pA ZN le a Current issue Preview the latest issue of MuscleMag New Stuff 18 arts ‘3 est Exercises for Bilng Badass Wings eep your elbows flare ou, so you minimize biceps involvement and maximize lat activation, Asyon get stronger inthis movement, ry adding weight with a pall: up bl. I'you cant do a pall upright now; dont wore; there are snriations you ean do to workup the strength to do legit pulps ‘The asistd pull-up machine isnot one of those variations because it hes you throughout the entre range of motion. The pull-up gets ‘easier as your verage improves toward the top ofthe movement, 50 wwe want to use a variation that takes this into account, That's why Jband-assisted or partner-asised pull-ups area better option. With bands ofa competent partner, the assistance gets ess and less as sy leverage improves in the movement. Bent-Over Barbell Row: Tiss staple in any serious back workout regimen, but many lifters dont do right. lot of times this ‘movement tums into some kind of bastandized biceps workout. When performing the bent-over barbell ow, concentrate on iting the vweight withthe Its and back and think ofthe arms as mere appendages that transfer force from yor contracting back muscles tothe bar Ina bent-over poston (knees slightly bent and fet shoulder-width apart) grab the ba using the same grip pasion as our bench press. Pall the bar ofthe floor and tothe bottom ofthe breastbone. Return the bar to the Noor, pause, and continue Make sure to consciously Uhink about using your Its opal he scapolae together atthe top. up and then squeeze your Straight-Arm Lat Pull-Down: To perform this lif, stand facing the weight stack at lat pull-down station with you feet shoulder width apart. Grab the straight bar or lt pull down attachment with both hands, palms facing the floor. Push your hands down in a _srecing are motion, taking care to really emphasize the at doing the work. This great at isolation cere and one that isnot 00 taxing on the ret ofthe body [Noah Bryant ica 2time NCAA Champion and 4-tneAMl-American inthe shot put, with a personal record of 20.80 m. He olds the ‘school record in de shot put at the University of Southern Calfrnia. Noah represented the United State in he 2007 World ‘Track and Fed Championships and the 2011 Pan-American Games. “He was regarded as one ofthe strongest sht putter inthe word, uth a 20 kg (462-pound) clean and 150 kg (330-pound) snatch He isa Certified Strength and Conditioning Specait bythe ‘National Strength and Conditioning Association and has over five years experience coaching some of the best NCAA Truck and Field ‘thltes inthe country. You can vist his website at thom ‘Also on MuscleMag viata to Target ColngineOstance eat hptwww.musclemag com/3-best-exercises-or-builcing badass- wings! 10 Best Shoulder Exercises Lift Weights to Target Helly Fat Going the Distance Sugar Shock Exclusive Video Tosa cS ae if ‘Ss 28, sures 3 Best Exercisos for Building Badass Wings community ® Login Sent by Bet Share Gt Favorite Kettlebell Training . veel oe nest les or seengh endurance &nchty hpihwww musclemag.con3-bestexercises-er-ulting-badass-wings! 38

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