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Propsito: Caracterizar los elementos que conforman los

sistemas socio-ecolgicos.

Dr. Jorge Luis

Ferrer Uribe

TABLE 9.1. Second-tier variables in framework for analyzing a social-ecological system

Social, Economic, and Political Settings (S)
S1- Economic development. S2- Demographic trends. S3- Political stability. S4- Technology.
S5- Government resource policies. S6- Market incentives. S7- Media organization.
Resource System (RS)
RS1- Sector (e.g., water, forests, pasture, fish)
RS2- Clarity of system boundaries
RS3- Size of resource system*
RS4- Human-constructed facilities
RS5- Productivity of system*
RS5a- Indicators of the system*
RS6- Equilibrium properties
RS7- Predictability of system dynamics*
RS8- Storage characteristics
RS9- Location
Resource Units (RU)
RU1- Resource unit mobility*
RU2- Growth or replacement rate
RU3- Interaction among resource units
RU4- Economic value
RU5- Size
RU6- Distinctive markings
RU7- Spatial & temporal distribution


Governance System (GS)

GS1- Government organizations
GS2- Non-government organizations
GS3- Network structure
GS4- Property-rights systems
GS5- Operational rules
GS6- Collective-choice rules
GS6a- Local collective-choice autonomy*
GS7- Constitutional rules
GS8- Monitoring & sanctioning processes

Actors (A)
A1- Number*
A2- Socioeconomic attributes*
A3- History of use
A4- Location
A5- Leadership/entrepreneurship*
A6- Norms/social capital*
A7- Knowledge of SES/mental models*
A8- Dependence on resource*
A9- Technology used
Action Situations: Interactions (I) Outcomes (O)
Harvesting levels of diverse users
O1- Social performance measures
Information sharing among users
(e.g., effective rules, efficient, equitable,
Deliberation processes
accountable, sustainable)
Conflicts among users
O2- Ecological performance measures
Investment activities
(e.g., overharvested, resilient, diverse,
Lobbying activities
Self organizing activities
O3- Externalities to other SESs
Networking activities
Related Ecosystems (ECO)
ECO1- Climate patterns. ECO2- Pollution patterns. ECO3- Flows into and out of focal SES.

Source: Adapted from E. Ostrom 2007, 15183.

valores ticos, polticas y
programas diseados para
decisiones, ampliando la
visin empresarial de lo
estrictamente econmico a
la preocupacin por el
impacto de stas en su
entorno social y natural.

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