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Tell Me Your Story My story has many different pieces and parts. My story includes thoughts and stories about my personal life, my literacy story, nff technology}It even contains what's left of my story and what | think about class so far. All of these things make me the person | am today. OK My personal story starts out with who | am. My name is Jacob Colin Lutz. ! am 16 years old and I've lived in Ohio my whole life. | have two sisters. Shaina is my oldest sister. She is 25 years old and is getting married next year. Breanne is my second oldest sister. She just turned 20 last week. She currently attends Muskingum University as a sophomore. A few years ago my parents got a divorce. It was tough pp me and sometimes stil is, 'm not going to let that affect what | want to do in (fe. Someday | want fo be some kind of engineer. stil have plenty of ime to fgure it opgput| beter start figuring it out now. In my free time | love to be outside and spend time with my. animals or end) Reading doesn't always find its way into my free time. | really don't like to read that much. | think that reading can be knowledgeable but if I'm not interested in the book | won't want to read it. | like to read adventurous book with excitement and suspense. | read an entire series called Maximum Ride, It was my fist series | ever liked. I'd prefer a we: real book over books on a tablet or online’ 09 | think that | am up to date with today's technology. I own an Xbox 360 that | got for Christmas 6 years ago. | have an iPhone 6 that | bought last year. My mom got me a Microsoft Surface RT 2 years ago. Final, sgot an Xbox One last Christmas. | use my Xbox 360 and Xbox One for when friends are over or because | like to play video games. | use my surface to do my school work because {t mudh better than the school provided laptops. My only fears about technology is that it will be top involved in everyday life. | think that it should be there to help us not oe dent | mean is it's okay to aid in your life but when it runs your life there is a problem. I’m looking forward to seeing where technology will go in the future. My story couldn't be complete without the extra things in my life. | have two dogs ‘one named Butkus and the other is named Nala. | am in 4-H and | take many different kinds of animals to the fair each year. Ever since | was old enough to participate | was taking pygmy goats. | have won Grand Champion and done pretty well each year. The past few year | have been taking Dairy Beef Feeders and | have been doing really well with them too, Fair is one of my favorite times of the year. You meet all kinds of new people and there is always something to do. My cows are my favorite project ahd animal. My favorite color is orange or green. | play golf and baseball an | have many thoughts about class this year. | think class will be a blast. I'm sure that it will be better than the last few years of English. I'm looking forward to seeing how the rest of the year turns out. My life is full of things’! oo. of. Everything I've done has gotten me to where | am today and has made me the young man | have become. My personal, literacy, technological, and other stories all have a lasting part in my life. I'm sure this L ticst dealt Se Or ee we Or ae ued. fpuctoer delapmevt

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