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Movie Permission Information

Dear Parent/Guardian(s),

Over the course of the year we will be viewing multiple educational videos that
reinforce significant eras and events throughout Texas and American History. We
would like to view episodes from the following History Channel series: America:
The Story of Us, Mankind: The Story of All of Us, The Birth of Texas Series, and the
PBS reality series: Texas Ranch House and The Daytripper. These episodes detail
important documents, people, locations and events surrounding the foundation of
our state and nation.
In 7th Grade Texas History, we also hope to view The Alamo and Giant in its entirety
and clips from Texas: Big America, How the States Got Their Shapes, Outlaws and
Gunslingers, and Conquistadors to further reinforce topics and events we have
covered in class. Please note that these movies and/or shows will either be rated
PG or PG-13.
In 8th Grade United States History, we also hope to view The Patriot and Glory in its
entirety and clips from History Channel and PBS series to further reinforce topics
and events we have covered in class. Please note that these movies and/or shows
will either be rated PG or PG-13.
We need to verify your permission for your son/daughter to watch these episodes
and/or movies throughout class this year. If you do not want your child to watch
these episodes and/or movies, we will provide them with an alternate assignment.
Thank you in advance for all of your support this year, and we hope to have a
successful year!


Bobby Carpenter
Junior High Social Studies Teacher

**Please give permission by signing this page**

Student Name
Parent Signature



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