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Eighteen Months

May be afraid of strangers/ Shows affection to
familiar people/ Likes to hand things to others

as play/ May have temper tantrums/

Shows interest in a doll or

stuffed animal by pretending to
feed/ May cling to caregivers in new

Says and shakes head no /Explores alone but with
parent close by/ Says several single words/

Points to show someone what he wants/

Development Scribbles on his own/Drinks

from a cup / Walks alone/ walking

up steps and run


/May walk

/Eats with a

/Can help undress herself

/Pulls toys

while walking/ Plays simple pretend, such as

feeding a doll/

Cognitive (learning, thinking,

Points to get the attention of others/Knows
what ordinary things are for; for example,
telephone, brush, spoon/ Can follow 1-step
verbal commands / Points to show others something
interesting without any gestures; for example,

sits when you say sit down/ Points to one

body part/

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