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I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element.

It is my personal
approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather. I possess
tremendous power to make life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of
inspiration; I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides
whether a crisis is escalated or de-escalated, and a person is humanized or de-humanized. If we
treat people as they are, we make them worse. If we treat people as they ought to be, we help
them become what they are capable of becoming. Haim G. Ginott, Teacher and Child: A Book
for Parents and Teachers

Teaching writing, almost like any other subject, seems to be a very tedious task.
Depending on the type of writing being addressed theres a lot more that comes along with it.
Along with writing in general creativity, critical thinking, and developmental skills come into
play often. The role of an English teacher would be to teach the students to use critical thinking
skills to write creatively and efficiently as well as understand different concepts when it comes to
the English language as a whole. By learning how to write well thought out and planned papers I
will prepare my students for college level writing. Most importantly, they will learn and better
understand writing and the importance of immersing themselves into each and every paper
written during my course. I believe that as an educator we should work to push our students to
where they need to be rather than allowing them to be complacent with their current statuses.
I personally would like for all of my students to become curious learners, to develop
critical thinking skills, and gain an understanding of the world we live in through reading and
writing. My goal is to get my students to read books that contains a plethora of historical content,
as well as what is going on in the world today. With my help students will be able to gain a better
understanding of things that are happening in todays society and begin to form their own
opinions through writing. In doing this, students will be able to devise of research papers that not
only allows them to get a better view of certain things and situations but they will also be able to
use their very own ideas.
I have devised of an assignment that will bring all of these components to life. The
assignment will include reading a book such as The Souls of Black Folks by Langston Hughes, I

Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou, or Fighting Their Own Battles: Mexican
Americans, African Americans, and the Struggle for Civil Rights in Texas by Brian D. Behnken.
They will be required to take one of these books and study the literature presented throughout
them in order to form a well-devised essay based on the each story. They will also be able to
show how the principles shown throughout the books are still relevant throughout todays society.
My personal belief on education is that as a teacher we should push our students to
become what they are to become instead of allowing them to be complacent with where they are.
In pushing students to exceed beyond on their basic capabilities we teach them hard work and
perseverance. These two notions are not only important throughout the classroom but also
throughout real life situations. Learning, like teaching, is a two way street. So Ive realized that in
order to teach effectively I must put myself in the shoes of my students and better comprehend
how Id appreciate learning more. As a teacher, one is always the student. Learning is a life-long

Simply put I believe that the role of a teacher/educator more than just teaching a
student concepts and preparing them for state exams. A teacher serves as a role model to
his or her students first and foremost. When you enter your classroom, especially when
teaching younger students, the children are watching your every move. Children look up
to people that are older than them and they begin to want to be like you and mimic your
every move. Teachers also serve as a parent away from home. Although they dont
exactly do things that a parent does or perform certain things that parents due, they watch
their students for practically eight hours a day. During those eight hours the students are
the teachers main responsibility.
Another role that a teacher serves is a mentor. Daily students are facing issues at
home that cause them to give up or not want to give their best effort. There are also cases

where students dont have in themselves and become complacent in becoming a c

average student. As an educator it is our job to push our students. It is our job to
encourage our students to do better and want better for themselves. It is our job to help
them dig deep and find interesting things about themselves. But most importantly its our
job to prepare them for higher education and todays market.

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