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Math 510

Homework 1
1. Fix a category C . A morphism : A B in C is called an epimorphism if, for any

two morphisms B C, we have that = implies = . A monomorphism

is defined by reversing the arrows. Decode these two definitions in elementary terms
when C = Set.
2. Let (I, ) be a partially ordered set, and C a category. A direct system is a collection
of objects (Xi )iI and a collection of morphisms ij : Xi Xj whenever i j, such
that jk ij = ik when i j k. An inverse system is defined by reversing all arrows.
a) Given a direct system ((Xi )iI , (ij )ijI ), define a category D whose objects are

families of morphims (Xi i X)iI satisfying the obvious compatibility condition.

State this condition, and find the appropriate definition of morphisms in D.
b) The direct limit of ((Xi )iI , (ij )ijI ), if it exists, is the terminal object in D.
Which makes sense here, initial or final object? Reversing the arrows gives the
definition of an inverse limit. Direct and inverse limits are usually denoted limXi

and limXi , respectively.

c) Prove that the categories Set and Top have direct and inverse limits.
d) Re-interpret direct and inverse systems as functors from a suitable category to C .
3. Fix a set X. Define SetX be the category whose objects are functions X S, with the
obvious morphisms (specify). Similarly, define SetX to be the category of all functions
S X. Describe the product and the coproduct, if they exist, in the categories SetX
and SetX .
4. Give a formal definition of the category G associated to an arbitrary directed graph
. Describe in plain English all covariant functors from G to an arbitrary category

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