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The wide wooden florboards were cold against her
feet wind blue in the crevies about the window frame, in
spite of the protection the storm sash was supposed to
ofer. She could here wind. howling in the Chimneys. From
all the way downstairs she could hear fortinbras
Now its your turn to finish the paragraph in two or
three sentences! Remember you can brainstorm


From a Wrinkle in Time by Madeline LEngle

watching his opportunity, Nanabozho hoped. a little
closer to the fire He had forgotten that when he moveed
he made the earth tremble, and this Violent tremor
wakened the olde
Now its your turn to finish the paragraph in two or
three sentences! Remember you can brainstorm


From How Nanabozho Brought Fire to His People as told by the Ojibway

you r orphans now. The words shockd Soren. He was not
an orphan he had a mum and dad, perhaps not hear, but
out there somewhere. Orphan meant. Your parents were
dead. How dare this Skench
Now its your turn to finish the paragraph in two or
three sentences! Remember you can brainstorm


From The Capture by Kathryn Lasky

The Ersatz Elevator

There was a thurd shape of Glowing Green lite, this one
the biggest of all. a huge curved tube with a small circle
at the end of it slithering toward the center of the screen
lick a snake. But this third under water craft didnt look
like a snake
Now its your turn to finish the paragraph in two or
three sentences! Remember you can brainstorm


From A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Grim Grotto by Lemony Snicket

Polar Bears
****For differentiated learning (ELL/exceptional students) ***

jack lookd up. He. Caught. His. Breath. A mane wuz

looking throo the tree house window
Now its your turn to finish the paragraph in one or
two sentences! Remember you can brainstorm


From Polar Bears Past Bedtime by Mary Pope Osborne

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