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At the time of the holiday yesterday, my cousin came to my house for one week.

we have fun together at that time. we also celebrate the new year together at my house.
When New Year's Eve, we ate roasted corn and grilled chicken that we made. so fun hanging
out with my family on that day. we waited for the fireworks until 12 o'clock at night.
Finally at 12 the night arrived.
Me and my cousin lit fireworks together.
fireworks was wonderful. we blow the trumpet. My neighbors also blew their trumpets.
Corn and roasted chicken was already finished we meals. We clean
up equipment to burn corn and roasted chicken together.
After that we walked into the room and play guitar together. First i fell asleep.but my cousins not
slept. He still plays guitar.
Tiring but very enjoyable. Gathered with family is very fun. I'll neverforget
the things that happened at that time

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