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Differences in African elephants and Asian elephants

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
Good Morning Mrs.Nora and my friends
I want to tell you about Elephant, and I get the references from National
We all know, the earth is not only human life, but also plants and
animals. Their future life there are many different types, like us humans,
there are women and men. Various types and characteristics of animals
and plants that attract, as well as a variety of their sizes from the smallest
ant to the greatest such as elephants.
As we know, Family Elephantidae (elephant) is the largest land
mammals that are still alive. Gestation period of elephants is 22 months,
the longest gestation period compared to other terrestrial animals. Calf
weight at 120 pounds and are generally of an elephant can live for about
70 years.
There are two species of elephants in the world, namely:
1. Asian elephant or Indian elephant (Elephas maximus).
2. African elephant (Loxodonta aricana).
On their African Elephants usually live in grasslands, forests, river
basins and also in certain jungle. While Asian elephants live in dense
forests, tropical forests and areas that grew thick, for example in India and
the island of Sumatra.
There are physical differences between Asian and African elephants.
It could be caused by environmental factors, etc. The difference is:
1. Asian elephants
Body size smaller than African elephants.
Smaller Ears
at the end of the trunk there is a lip
2. African elephants
Body size larger than Asian elephants
His ears wider
at the end of the trunk has two lips
There is some uniqueness owned elephants, even though big, the
elephant is an animal swimmers. They can swim for 6 hours and a
distance of up to 50 km.Elephant skull, is large and strong, containing a
highly intelligent brain. Therefore, the elephant has a very good memory
and rarely forgot the commands that have been taught.

In the Conclusion, Not only the elephants that have a unique way as
described above. but other animals also have their uniqueness.Therefore,
we as God's creation of the most intelligent, compared to His creatures
the other, we have to live with each other to preserve all life on earth.

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