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A pycnometer is a glass-like container used in the laboratory to measure the

densities of liquids.

They are essentially flasks whose internal capacity can be

determined by weighing the vessel empty and again when filled with water. The density
is defined as the mass per unit volume of a substance at a specified temperature and
pressure. This study was conducted in order to determine the density of certain liquids
such as distilled water, chloroform and methanol by using a pycnometer. The researchers
accomplished the experiment by following the step-by-step procedure given to them by
their instructor. This study utilized the experimental method of research. The data
gathered for each liquid were tabulated and then processed by computing for their
respective densities. The computed values were then compared to the true values for data
interpretation. The researchers were able to accurately and precisely determine the
densities of distilled water, chloroform, and methanol by using a pycnometer. The
temperature of water was an important factor in getting the density of the distilled water.
The accuracy of the densities computed was evidenced by the low percentage error for
both chloroform and methanol when compared to the true values.

Keywords: pycnometer, density, distilled water, chloroform, methanol

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