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Stephen Kiser

October 9, 2015
2-D Art
Ms. Odell
Word Smart
While Vincent Van Gogh may very well be one of the most famous artists of all time,
during his life, he was quite the failure. Born on March 30, 1853, this painter was born to
Theodorus and Anna Carbentus Van Gogh. Other than growing up in Zundert, Netherlands, not
much is known about Van Goghs childhood. One disturbing fact that has lingered through the
years, is that Vincent is named after another child, stillborn. Growing up, he was forced to live
next to a gravestone with his name on it.
Vincents mother encouraged him to paint during his childhood. And at the age of 16, he
began to work for his uncle. Mostly self taught, Vincent did study art in Belgium for a short
period of time. Painting during the Post-Impressionism movement, Vincent would paint with
anything and everything he had available to him. The only painting he ever sold was The Red
Vineyard, for 400 Belgian francs.
Depression slowly took ahold of Van Gogh, and by Dec 23, 1888 he cut the bottom half
of his left ear with a razor. This moment in his life led to yet another painting, this one named
Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear. As depression gripped him more and more, by July 27, 1890
Van Gogh attempted suicide. Painting in a wheat field, he received a gunshot to the lower
abdomen. On his deathbed Van Gogh revealed that he had shot himself, and two days later he
passed away.

Works Cited
"Vincent Van Gogh Biography." Vincent Van Gogh Biography. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015.
"Vincent Van Gogh Style and Technique." Artble. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015.

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