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Dear Recruitment Team

Strategy &
I am an undergraduate student at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi's Electrical
Engineering Department.
I am seeking to associate myself with a progressive company which assures me of
rapid progress, high learning opportunities and high compensation in return of
unparalleled commitment and performance for an internship during the period MayJuly 2016. I am particularly interested in Strategy&'s summer internship program in
the M&A/Corporate strategy division.
The given position at Strategy& appeals to the enthusiast inside me. I love solving
problems. I find research and analytics exciting and Strategy& provides me the right
mix of both. I have exceptional leadership and team management skills and have
held an elected office in the Institute for two consecutive years. I am the captain of
the Institute Basketball Team and have been awarded 'Best Basketball Player' at IIT
Delhi. I have been a valuable asset to the hostel Basketball team as well and the
hostel has never lost a tournament since I joined the team three years ago.
I always try to avoid run of the mill solutions to problems and this approach makes
me different from others. I am a quick learner and having gone through a rigorous
and challenging curriculum and constantly proving myself, I have the drive and
talent to quickly provide top performance in your work environment. My
performance at Deloitte Consulting (Hyderabad, India) during a two months long
internship consolidates my belief on my abilities.
Please contact me through email or phone at +91-9868401226 if you find merit in
my application and would like to arrange an interview.
Warm Regards,
Ashish Kumar
Senior Undergraduate,
IIT Delhi

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