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TPACK Activity

Your Name: Megan Martin

Content Area: Mathematics Grade 5 (from the Maryland State Curriculum
Standard 1: Adding and subtracting fraction.
Objective: Students will be able to solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of
fractions referring to the same whole, including cases of unlike denominators.
Activity Type

1. Group work
2. Oral speaking

Description of the Activity

Group work:
Students will work in groups to create an
addition and subtraction faction problem.
Students will then show their understanding
of adding and subtracting factions by solving
the problem they created.

Possible Tech Tool

1. Fraction blo

2. Word to c
their classm

3. Presentation
Oral speaking/presentation:
Students will share with the class the math
problem they created and allow other
students to try and solve it. The students will
then demonstrate their knowledge to the class
by walking their classmates through the
problem step-by-step.

3. Smartboard

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