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APPENDIX “B” — POWERPOINT The Seven C's of Using PowerPoint Effectively As he pice of too uch olaptops and CO prjectos cat decker mote of hem cre bocoming sandordfocsin ine bushes protosonehs Grsena. Presontatons which vse tobe vly supperiosrcugh cata skeiches ond ovehoad Wonsparencies ov now beng detgnod ond Selereduang loplop computers and compac| prosclone wnaine setware the! rod af sty onto creo nese peseaons Mecezts ower, PoworPoht has. for many of Us become a stoner pot of Sur busnesstociboe. And etna tne any of s nol unaora Howe Use hs ool opproptatly and etecvey, ong cer na creo cor udiences. wo lun homo Sales iokecookol“the Seren ser ang | PowerPain ectual wate matings presentation Clarity & Content... The best prod! or service in the wold - yes, even the one that sesso needs fo be explained to o prospect n such a way Ina he or she clectly understands the benef of purchasing and implementing |. Your PowerPoint presentation hes to clearly aderess the prospect's neces without cousing contusion. To help ensure clay, sick io a mentum of wo ox tvee key messogesin your presentation, wilh iwo-or The Yey BOM per imesage. DEVEIOp éxarfiples, stori analogies that support your key ‘Ponis: Creole mages pluton cna crd eats rel in en coor ar stories and analogies. Make sue that the mages are clewr and sinple. Stoy coway from moving graphics and fying ext, as they can be both very distracting and ciftcu lo read. And avoid at al coi he temptation to clter up your sides wilh words and numbers, genera ue to fellow with leat sides the "Rue of 6"~no more than sx bullets per se, ond no moe Colour & Contrast... Use colours on your sides that are both pleasing to the eye. and appropriate to the suroundings. In general, using a darker background (such as a medium to dark blue} and lightar text [while or Yellow Fanci to work the bes!) provides a geod combination, An exception {o this would be an overly Il oom, ara laptop/projection screen that subject to direct fight. In a situation lke that, you may well need fo use a white Background and dark [even black) text fo enable viewers to see your Presentation clearly. If you need individual words fo stand out. wrile them in bright red or green. Remember alo, that colours wil appear differently on your deskiop, laptop and projection screen. So make sure to fully test the, resent lo daliv Develop by © Rhond Sehr foe CAMPBELL KNOWLEDGE CORPORATION It possible, test the presentation in the environment in which it wil umately be viewed. Crispness ... At some point in ime, every one of us has likely been subjected to presentation where the text, or other elements, were not clearly visible fous, Ourreaction tends fo range between aver-focusing on the image igo to all-out ignoring the complete presentation. In either caso, not the response a professional wants. Aller creating the frst side or two, test them for “readability” by standing about six fo eight feet away from your moritor. Ifyou can clearly see and read all ne elements of the sides ct that — atance, then those in your audience will most likely be able to see and fead them as well. Also, be careful in your selection of fonts. although it may well be tempting to use fancy serif fonts, the most effective fonts for a Giisp-looking presentation are the sans seris, such as Arial. Century Gothic Gnd Tohoma. And limit the number of fonis you use in each presentation to oneortwo Commotion ... A presenter who barely moves while presenting wil, more than rely, put thei audience fo sleep. You want fo be animated when presenting .. ‘except af those times when you wan! them fo concentrate on the sides themselves. Thisis the time when you must remain quiet and almost motiontess Otherwise, your auctence will find themselves distracted by you, and, inevitably, ‘wil no! benefit from properly viewing the information on your sides. In dition, ity fo postion yourself in such @ way thal, rom the viewpoint of the audience, you ate fo the lett of the screen. In this way, when you gesture fo the screen, you Inivor The way in which your audience reads — from left to right. This causes ther Yo lock at you. glance al the screen, and then retum their eyes to you again, “Another way in which you can exercise contral over the viewer's focus s By using the bution on your keyboard. Pressing this button at any lime during & presenTation will cause the screen fo go black. Pressing it a second fime restores the image. Contingency ... tisno secret fo those of us that use technology regulatty, that thé truly is Murphy's domain. If something can possibly go wrong, i often wil The way to best avoid challenges is by having « good contingency plan in place. Create a checklsl of everyining you need to lake with you 19 every presenialion. Create backup copies of al the presentation files and the PowerPoint Viewer program, and carry them with you. A simple way to do thisis by using PowerPoint's "Pack and Go" feature. That way, should your laptop malfunetion, you can run your presentation on o "borrowed" computer, even if the PowerPoint program is not instaled on that system. Whenever possible, anive early, and full test everything, And don't let “technologically cdvanced ‘Deeloped by © Rhonds Scarf fie CAMPBELL KNOWLEDGE CORPORATION 2s “compatioiity” challenges occurred in environments that seemed so technically ‘advanced that | though! they could handle anything. If you carry peripherals with you - such 08 a projector or a wireless mouse - make sure that You ore carrying exira bulbs ond batteries as well 4s the use of PowerPoint as a one-orrone ond one-on-group soles and business presentation tool grows, so wil he assumption of various “unwatien standaras™ Surtounding it's use. Hopefully the preceding tips and suggestions wil pave the way {or you in using this tool effectively fo help your audiences lecin and make informed

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