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INSIDE: AFAVISTIC Tas casts JOH Foy BRI NOTANOTHERB PUNK Rock frANZINEI(SO®)) PROFANE EXISTENCE NTE Aang A eee ‘SOLITTLE-SO LATE WHERE DOWE GO FROMHERE? Profane Existence will continue as a lbEmonthly fanzine from this issue lonwards, For the foreseeable future, the amount of pages, the general allotment of content space, and $1 lcover price will remain the same. The idea of inspiring learning and action is louraim and our coverage of music will continue to be based around that of similarideals, HOW YOU CAN HELP: We would appreciate well-written scene reports, wth photos if possible. Try not to cover just bands but what [people are doing. fall you know is the latest band gossip, then maybe you should be alittle more aware! ‘There are also several sections within the zine which could use help in jarticle writing. Those include the Ekomedia News and From Protest to Resistance. The sections are self [explanatory as to what we are looking for. We alsowillprintlarger articles from time to time, but let us know before you submit one for publication. From time to time we may print poetry, artwork, recipes, etc. We lcannot guarantee submitted material ‘willbe used or can be retumed. The best thing to do is send a photocopy. Please, don't send us any show eviews! We simply don't have room to print them U.K. ADDRESS: Write to Protane Existence o/o Steve / 111 Famingham Road / Caterham /| Surrey /CRS LN/ England |ADDITIONAL COPIES/SUBRATES: NORTH AMERICA: Single copies are $1.50 ppd. / A six issue, one year subscriptions $9 SOUTH AMERICA: Single copies are $2 ppd. / A six issue, one year Subscriptionis $12 AUSTRALIA & ASIA: Single copies are $2.50 ppd. / A six issue subscriptionis $15 U.K We now have a U.K. address thanx to Steve of 666 1/2 fanzine! Rates will be in the next issue, EUROPE: We are looking for a responsible person in Europe to help us distribute. Until we have a| European address, contact Steve in| England for copies. Be nice to him| though, and be fair with postage. can sell you zines in quantities of] 10 ormore of the same issue for $.75 Jeach including postage. Cost. higher [European distributors write tothe U.K. Address. {2 page (7 12" x5" down) $30 PS page (5° x5", of2 1/2" x10 down) $20 96 page (2 1/2" x5" down) $10 Ad space is limited so write in advance for reservation, (CLASSIFIEDS: '$2 foreach 50 words up to 100 maximum. DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE: /Ad copy in the 1st of January, next issue lout by January 20th. No deadlines. for anything else. PRINTED BY: [Shokopee Valley Printing / Press. run 3000 copies, SINCEREST APOLOGIES: To all th the peopl lunder the impression they were going to various problems, we had to reduce itto32 pages SME oo] ins favailable from distributors, All other remaining back issues have been. [donated to AY.F. Distribution. CONSPIRATORS: | SHITWORKERS: Dan (Editon, Bill and Fetix | COLLABORATORS: lagy, Rev. John, Rev. Phil, Gord, Jodie Lampcov, Colin, and Luca iy roommates: (Sony, no names because Ie embarased theth enough ead, Iggy (Sony about wrecking the place on So My mom for all the food and sect the computer al the peopl who've /helped bring you this, and to all the people ‘am vary grain or your enship a for puting up wth re by Gord and Dan - Back cover by Dan and Bil. IMAXIMUMROCKNROLL: 1O.K. so we're a rip-off; might as well copy the best. At any'rate, this was not put together with the intention of being another Punk Pook fanzine’; this is about our ives and what we believe in ANARCHY & EQUALITY EEF Welcome to the first issue of Profane Existence, this is Horrendous Lee Mutilated, your humble narrator. From time to time | will grace these pages to help convey the authors’ messages. Rightnow I'm here to tell you a ltile bit aboutwhattthis is all about ‘So what does Profane Existence mean anyway? When. the creators of this project sat down and decided on wat ‘this was supposed to accomplish they figured out a few: things they wanted to communicate. Being members of this confused world, and finding a part in the often ‘contradicting punk ’scene’, the creators felt compelled to startajournal ohelp pass their time and possibly make an impact on others around them. This fanzine is basically a vehicle in which to communicate ideas and help inspire action, Profane Existence is a collective; a collaboration of ideas land thoughts. "We find ourselves struggling through lite with litle time devoted to effecting any positive change ‘benefiting all” Are there any right answers to the world's problems? Built around an anarchistic viewpoint of mutual espect, maybe, just maybe peace can be attained: Real lasting peace based on equality and freedom, For every Jend there are many means, different paths to choose from, Every small piece of compassion must be looked at as a [positive step, now matter how short-sighted the action may ‘seem. We all grow at different rates and have different priorities, weaknesses and fear. Often times you may find jeontradiction, or ideas you may not agree upon within these pages. We all have to pick out what seems right for Us to inspire our own growth, The idea is to work together. Nobody can change the lworld by themselves. We live a profane existence on this [planet and it is high time we did some thing about itl -| HLM. Irecently got a copy of M.A, #7. Ilikedit so | read! tall, but something in the article entitled "1989: a look back in time to 1988" struck me. The person who wrote it stated that New Caledonia had been granted independence, Well, 'm sorry butit's far frombeing true. There has been a fight for independence on that island for years but | don't think itwill achieve anything, for several reasons, atleast for along while. First of all France has quite a few reasons to hold Jon tight to that island. Not economic reasons, actually thas more to do with strategy. The Pacific Ocean is one of the French strongholds in that field. Nuclear tests are [conducted on Murumora - remember what happened. to the Rainbow Warrior in 19852 Can you imagine U.S.A, giving up Hawaii? Well? Italso has to do with the New Caledonian natives, ‘They are a minority in the whole population, so even in’ ‘ease of a truly democratic decision, the white majority | would prevail and of course they would choose remaining French. Or rather staying there and keep making a lot of ‘money (needless to say of most land owners or other good businessmen), since they would leave the island in case it did become independent because they would not be ]wanted and would no longer have the French police and army to protect them, The last French colony - rather former French colony - that gained independence was Algeria in 1962. The situation was different. 90% of the whole population were natives, so that was slightly different from the situation in New Caledonia where 30% only are natives. To boot the native population is not quite united, ‘bviously for political reasons;in any political group - and a. pro-independence group is political - there are those who are ready to compromise, the milder side, and the diehards ‘will stick to their guns. A couple of months ago, the independentist leader, Jean-Marie Tctibaou, who was rather middle-of-the-road and standing for a peaceful approach, was shotdead bya more extremist leader... Plus the native society is pretty much based on tribes and this again is very detrimental to unity So that's about it. New Caledonia is still a part of France even ifit's right on the other side of the planet. Now let's skip to other things. | wanna ask those| ]who wish to help me a favor. Next year ('m gonna have, to jwrite 80 pages about pop music and it's social ‘consequences in the U.S. in the 80's I's for my Master's: Degree you see. Anything will help, of course books, but also band’s lyrics, artwork, articles, pictures and of course | }will pay for everything. | just need some help and tl appreciate just everything you might send. One last thing: I'm involved in a ‘zine (Jolly Roger, #3 on the way soon, see reviews in MRR), a radio show (2 hours weekly) and a non-profit making distribution service, Soifany bands whowill read this are interested drop me a ine. "min aband too (called ORIGINAL DISEASE) we have an EP. out and an LP. for late '89; we can trade or whatever. Anyway, thanx for reading if this letter ever gets Printed and write: Francois Bouthiaux/26, rue Megevand / 25000 Besangon/ France SIT ene eee Sea cnae Chea yee See eee = one Sunrseenecn ns eeeen ects area . [eee instants BACK! (OF THE FREE FOR WHO??? As women we have been taught to respect our bodies, our right] paras is reat Piteysie ieteeh omer mares iieainew aeecrmey meas atest Seite an Partired meee rigs ‘Our own bodies. Our right to SAFE and LEGAL ABORTION if we ‘When someone comes into my house that is not welcome, | have the right to ask them to leave, What the government is| doing is walking into our bedrooms; we are not even safe in our ‘own home anymore. Since there are already in our bedrooms wall they be in bed with us to0?!! - Jodie Lamoov ‘COLUMNS ORRSEN 5] ‘they come kicking down your front door. A “war on drugs"? Whata fucking FARGEN Ne Georgie Boy must have some deaings| with his old pals. He was vice, and now| president, now tell me something ain'| fishy? ‘As the ©.1A. ships cocaine to your local igang the government spends billions on| Weapons, radar equipment, troops, Propaganda and lies. The situation on iho| streets decays. A “War on Drugs"? In realty it amounts to a war on the poor. To| pay for the media farce, they are cutting housing, food programs, college funds and fwhat have you. Further increasing the misery in this country. When you lve in a cinder box called “public housing” and rot ‘on welfare lines, with no chance of| lescape, drugs may seem to lessen the aan of iving in this hell called the U.S. of| A. When you grow up in squalid conditions lchances are you will perpetuate the situation. Its a vicious cycle with litle hope of change As the war intensifies, the governments now strategy is attacking the “casual User’, but what does tha realy mean?| [When over 80% of the mis-demeanor lcharges are waged against poor and minorities does this mean they are going to ‘tart arresting yuppies snorting coke at posh parties? Fuck no! it means putting mote poor people in jail, further fucking up ‘and confusing. their livers, losing jobs, homes, etc. One thing this sotcalled “war (on drugs” fails to do is actually stop crack: dealers. as. the police let “targeted” neighborhoods go to shit, a year later the Yuppies move in an Wallah, the cops show ‘up and what do you get? Gentrfuekation, ‘Awar on drugs? No, a war on the poor. The pressure is increasing here _at| hhome. You can feel the boot, but go to the: places where the war is being fought with tanks, helicopters and army troops, Now | feel South American drug lords are scum, the way they lord over the peasants who ‘grow and process the shit, but what about the IMF. and World Bank who, with ‘George Bush, pressure third world leaders to crack down with threats of economic ‘sanctions? Thus further driving the people into poverty and perpetuating the problem ‘What would they rather do, help the paopia ‘build something to make a ving or ram a rifle butt down their throats? Fascism isn't very nice! ‘So what is the war on drugs? It's the ‘catchword for the coming martial aw. the excuse they have found and the American, public keeps eating it up, The rising far- Tight is riding it to power. in 1969 riots arent called “race riots" by the media anymore, but “drug riots”, In effect, the people in power lie to bulld up the police, the impetus for censorship in music and a reason to disarm the public. A public that Could be on the edge of revoltin the 1990's if they are kept in the same misery of today Listen up people, ths Is a news Nash, To. ail you who communicate to others about your Punk scene. To all who think a scene: is dead when there are no bands, Wake: up! A scene is not comprised of bands and’ music venues, but rather the people who. Imake up those bands. A band breaks Up, the people dont disappear. They don' sit faroundand say "bummer man, the scene| is dead. A large number of Punks are| involved in separate activities, from record. cistibution to Fighting injustice of al kinds, So please tell me what the people in the| scene are doing, not just the bands. To all who think Punk is bullshit because| some people are jerks; you're altitude is| bullshit. First of all Punk is not just the 25 People in your town but a whole world filled with hundreds of thousands of good folks. [Second of all, ifyoulre too apathetic to try| to change the attitudes of those around you, or make those altitudes leave, fino, leave yourself and good riddance, I'm sick| lof people teling me that "this city sucks" just because a few people ride you the| Wrong way. or worse those folks who tel Ime Punk's a joke because of the atitudes| they ran into in'83, Fuck of, ts 1889, “The days of Punks having the luxury of siting back and listening to music are| lover. More important things are afoot, The| FBI tried to get Priorty Records to drop| INWA's “Fuck the Police”. Ifyou don't think| that effects us you're dreaming. The fact that every woek more and more Punks li eaten in the streets in our Reighborioods. Attacks no longer by skins and cops but by black youth, We've been around far too long to be beaten around. by: wanna-be gangbangers. I'm tired of catching shit, I'm gonna start throwing back. And it’s high time we dealt with the! sexism in Punk, This was brought up by IMAR's Womyns' Issue. Unfortunately the majority of male Punks must have lost heir reading glasses that month bocauso Rot much has changed. And litle to no| discussion has taken place, much to my! dismay. Why is twhen a male is new to our [scene we overiook the fact that he didn’ 'See soand so in 84. Rather we cheer him because there's a new Punk around. While a female in the same position is viewed as| stupid Sub }womyn are active In Punk other than| [someone's giriend? Its time to start calling on the bullshit around us and in us. it means answering t| the consequences of our actions. As| individuals and as local and global scenes, before Punk really is dead, This is who we| are and what we are. Be proud and fight for it, My name is Iggy and this is how | feel. Hore | sit with a head ful of Richard Hell and a mouth full of Leinie, The world spins, times change and | just sit around getting drunk. A revelation came to me recently. As I've mentioned before, unlike my fellow compatriots in crime here at Profane| Existence, Atheist ™m not. | wouldn't cal myself Christian by any means but I've felt pull of spirituality in ways that | cant| Jdeny before and’ won't discount now. JAnyway, about my revelation. Inthe Bible there are numerous} references to the hideous fates awalting| Philistines, blasphemers, ete. and as | recall there's something to the effect of| i's easier to lead a camel through the eye| lof a needle than for a rich man to enter| Heaven”. Well the other day, to my vast joy, | watched Jim Bakker lead oft to a| mental asylum, and then | found out the| Bakkers are living out of a one room T.V. studio in Oriando Florida in the back of a mall, As far as | can tellone J, Swaggart is ‘nowhere to be found (I could be wrong so let me know) Oral Roberts is banished to the back ass cable channels and Jemy| Falwell was just implicated in some real serious bribery stuff in the Bakker case| lconceming control of the P.T.L. (Pay to| Lust). The P.M.R.C. hasn't been heard off in a while, Reagan's just got a half-hawk| and lite is good. Maybe there is a. God with| Ja sense of humor outthere afterall, _| Im totally unrelated subject, my band, the SCRODS, went and played the JOuthnouse in Lawrence, Kansas. It was fuckin’ amazing, People drank, danced, had a huge bonfire and did drugs vitualy unknown here, Punk, Skins and longhair all getting along, cats and dogs laying [down together, ad little children stayi up late. We didnt even have our shit vaguely together and no one caro! it waa. repping. at time we al hope) remember that never really was. JAnyway, big thanx to Spike, Time, the (Outhouse, Apri, Adam and all the K,C. and Lawrence crew. Sadly though | heard that Jafter many years the Outhouse will bo [closed at the end of September, Au revoir. If we couldtun Sonic Warp into something lice that...Until next time, your Karma is your own. Rev. PhilLigula 1 Just finished reading the interview with Mike Gunderioy (Factsheet Five) in MAR #77 and there was a point he made that. | feel deserves to be commented on myself Fe stated that he was distressed about the fact that a lot of anarchist lorganizations are based on top to bottom revolutionary organization - meaning there are a lot of networks and organizations that are based on a national or global level instead of community level. “So they all start out by creating a national party (it theyre anarchists theyll call it a federation’ or a ‘network’ and run around eying to recruit people,” | would lke to comment and add to his statement by: explaining ina litle more detal about what kind of organize we are trying todo, as the Profane Existence Collective and the |Anarchist Youth Federation (A.Y.F,) First | want to throw out some false ideas of what the Anarchist. Youtn Federation is about because the name Jobviously may lead people to believe this tobe an organization as such. So what is the A.Y.F. then anyway? In a few words it is a network of anarchists on a focal and femational level. Here in Minneapolis, Jwnere the AF. first started in tangible fot, consists of a number of groups and individuals, mainly associated by friend ships and interests, who every now and. then come together for a meeting and discuss local problems and projects. [Unfortunately the meetings are too few Jand far between to get a great deal of forganizing done. On the other hand, the |meetings have been a great opportunity to contact people of similar interests and share all sors of practical information and ideas. Almost like a miniature anarchist gathering on a local level ‘You probably may know the A.Y.F. has a. local P.O, Box and many people may be fguick to point out the heretical implications this may have, The idea behind the P.O. Box is to have a single address for contact with groups of similar ideals around the word, The actual amount. lof global contacts is very large and the: idea is to link ourselves together with the’ Jsame principals in mind as the local meetings. One common misconception | think a lot of people have towards. tho| Minneapolis A.Y F. is that itis the ‘national headquarters’ of something. That probabiy| stems from the fact it is the only active |group to go by the name A..F. Locally, "any resemblance off Jorganization within the group is. broken Jdown into smaller groups of people who} have volunteered to take on the| responsiblity of answering the mail running the mait-order distribution service| Jand the creation of the new Minneapolis AY.F. bulletin. Also involved with the| AY.F. are people with similar ideals and may have thelr own projects to deal with, like the Profane Existence Collective, JRABL and the new Fight Back ‘zine, ete Basically what it comes down to is are all together represented in the A.Y F. as long as we are wiling to reach out and take part JUSt as a quick note, however, the} Minneapolis A..F. has come out with the first edtion of i's bimonthly bulletin, It's free but send postage. The idea behind the bulletin is to transfer information from a local to global level and vise versa, Basicaly a news sheet modeled after Warzine, U.K. Resist, Ecomedia, ete, and| also includes the latest goodies available| fat minimal cost from_AV.F. Distribution [As it tums out the bulletin will be printed during the even numbered months, between issues of Profane Existence, ‘As for Profane Existence, yes we are a| part of the A.Y.F. Just to clear the air a bit Jas to what we are about, let me say this. The Profane Existence’ Collective is a| Jgroup of people dedicated to promoting Positive ideals within the international Punk community. We hope to achieve this| through Profane Existence fanzine and the record label ofthe same name, WHERE HAVE ALL THE REVIEWS| GONE? Of to the next issue leveryone! Yep, we didn'y have time to 190 through all material thatwas sent for review. Next issue.. one an 4 Nase eine,” GORD ie Vove ‘Sean on aa OTMEREND 1S. = Youn. ANUS "= my roommate,(Bil, the lead vocalist for Crib Death), says i should write for the new local fanzine, It's Alvight to be an Asshole? Maybe it means lve read too much Bukowski lately, maybe it means he's roted a change in my. altitude since quiting Crib Death three days into this jsummerstour? Maybe, just Maybe. It is rather difficult for meto be objective about the whole affairknown as my life. Pemaps Jan," don'tknow, would suffice. Anyway, nad just retuméd from an expedtion in Jcamage. Wyoming's mule deer hunting season had opened one week earlier and I had been there. Blood and life flowed from countless deer, antelope and elk. (Almost poetic, huh?). | was not a hunter of mule Geer on this particular trip. | was. hiker. 1 was also a collector. What | collected were many nice sets of antlers. I will spend the folowing montis reducing these: deer horns to jewelry. All but one set came| from the previous season's growth and, like deer homs do, dropped off over the winter, leaving them for me to simply pick lup off the ground. The other set came from an Unfortunate fellow who was lentangied in the top strand of barbed wite fencing that encompasses the pasture: land and, when | stumbled upon him, was nothing more than a dried out leather coat wrapped around a skeleton. | was carrying Ja machete’ and managed to hack his rack} from his head with ease. Anyway.....Over tne course of four days hunting, the five| hunters | was with had filed their tags, {that means killed five mule dee). | gutted one deer myself and | assisted in the dragging of two deer from the field Back in camp, (a 26 foot F.¥). | had.the Pleasure of eating much of two of the five deer hearts saved from amidst the gui ples. Fresh deer heart, cooked in butter Jand onions, is an extremely delicious meal, Forthase of you non-vegetarians, i comes highly recommended. Wyoming is a slate that altracts many out of siate hunters, due to i's large population off mule deer, antelope and elk. The ranchers are in need of the hunters coming to thei ranches because these animals take quite pasture Jand of the ranching] [cattle and sheep. The ranchers charge} Jeach hunter a set fee to hunt on the ranch land. ‘The fee vanes depending on what} the hunters license is issued to kil. Elk Jcommand the highest fee, antelope the the middle The ranchers also receive af tee fromthe government wnen they file thel tags the hunters tum into them after the} }gaine has been Killed and the tag filed. The fee is a return to the rancher funds that are considered fair compensation for| {crop damage that the animal had caused othe pasture land. Now,as | was saying, Thad just returned from this excursion and Was lcoking through my mail only to find, famong the usual rubble, yel another| invitation to accept a creditcard, 1 think it Iwas another Visa from some bank somewhere. | hold several credit cards already and have thrown many others into the trash, Credit seemsto like me, It finds me regardless of the number of addross changes | make. Solitations for credit fare as good as the reai thing, minus tne paperwork. I'm not really sure where my’ candidacy for credit comes from, but nevertheless, (do find the credit cards | possess quite useful af times, Tracing my recit hisiory to t's origin, | obtained my fist loan in. 1982, it bought me a ‘79. blue Ichevette. | made good on the loan after lowing the car only six months, — My! Toommate went through the windshield, Jand the other original vocalist for Cb. Death went through the hatchback. The insurance paid me. | paid off the loan. 1 also made good on two other vehicie loans lover the last seven years, but nekher were| sayofis, {paid for these while lege fulltime. College was paid the heip of the Guaranteed [Student Loan program, state grants and Vocational habitation. { managed fo pul off five years of college, only work minimal Jsummierjobs and stil live pretty wel. And No, my parents did not give me money in fany form. Frankly, it was pretty fucking decent. In 1987, | was offered my test Mastercard. | was only a junior at that point. They were betting big time that} vas gonna get a job soon. Two and one aif years later, having graduated trom year anc a half ago, | still don't job to speak of, Gettainly not one flow (no, aint dealing espite this, | have a wallet ull of credit cards. Isa great life. hear from friends from time to time that they Hwould never get crecit cards. Typically they rant, "Onohohl! Those caplalst scumi!! Those loan sharking assholes!!!" Yea, fine, maybe they are all those. Maybe, just maybe every time | take a Icash advance, every time | make a purchase using my credit card tis like the rancher allowing the hunter to pay to hunt fordeer on his land, Here arethe ranchers saying, fof deer. You would like, whether for food for spor, to hunt. And we need the deer removed from our pastures so that there is more graze land free of competition for our| live stock.” And yet they continue, "Now wel charge you to remove what we need removed anyway." This, of course, is! ilustrated by reallly. The outofstate Fhunter gladly shells out about a hundred. land finy bucks between the stale and the ranch, to dispatch the animal of choice. ‘That's about it. To move on, Money Needs to be replaced into the economy to keep the credit card companies in business, And hete are the credit card companies saying, “ Welllloan you money, to keep our economy alive, at exorbitant Interest rates." This too, is illustrated by realty. Credit card holders gladly pay the| Interest, not to mention nominal yeary| ‘card holder privilege fees. That's about it It is all much clearer now. Fine. The ranchers and the credit card companies of the word yield much power. Be tt land or| money, they got it. Me, | yield the need for food, shelter, and clothing. The rest is superfiuous. The best part here is that | have come to want to live beyond my needs. | have come to want to be the rancher, the credit card distributor, The reality here is that 1 was not born with a milion acres of pasture land nor was | born ‘with the benefit of mutinational money| tycoons in my family. So, somewhere in the shadow of these giants Iam left to create my life. | have found. that regardless of the gains made by these giants by my accepting them, | can help Myselt by alowing them to help me help ‘myself. Shit, mean, | got through college with the help of one of the largest ‘companies around, the U.S. government. /Soeven if! threw out the invitation to the [credit card, even if didnt hunt mule deer, I sil do have a few cards at my disposal and sil die savor the deer heart. | may| ot be on top, but 'm not on the bottom felther. It's a good life. A ile confusing, a| litte frustrating, a fitle exploitive, but tes sii te. And maybe by the next'time, 1 have found that job the credit card ‘companies were banking on all along. I'm sure another chapier in "The enslavement Of Rev. John” is just a few degrading potential boss ass reaming interviews ‘away. Urghhh!! God!!! Sooner o later| ffm gonna find somethin’ ta_believel when | do...m gonna stand. up| for if. Meantime, | can continue to wash ‘down my shit saridwich wit a bottled non- flcohol Kingsbury. ts a_ livable life Chained Dog | wear a Tie -Chained Dog to my Desk -Chained Dog for my Wife -Chained Dog and Fan -Chained Dog and for my House -Chained Dog and Big Car -Chained Dog (I got this Monkey on my back). -Chained Dog | knew a better life. -Chained Dog Peter Bauer She 1989 Lonely N.Y. Anarchist Vegan Punk) seeks intelligent penpals) to trade jideas, music, friendship, etc. Please| Dan /' 1448 East 26th st /| Brooklyn, NY 11210/U.S.A NEW YORK CITY With police looking the other way several dozen skinheads went of a Fourth Of July Rampage through the East Village ‘causing three people to be hospitalized in ‘unprovoked attacks and twice sacking the anarchist switchboard For some reason, the skinheads decided that the switchboard (a basement ‘space that has seen much anarchist ‘organizing, but recently has been mnostly a unk hang-ou!) was the source of leafieis éaling for a July Fourth ant-patrotc flag During rally in Washington Square park at 6,00 PM At about 1:00. in according to witnesses that were there, the afternoon, approximately 30 skins and their ‘accomplices came to the Switchboard. At first they merely stood outside menacing those who were standing there. They out umbered the Switchboard people by about § to-1, according to one person there, “which isthe least they want before they start fucking with anyone", he added. Then, someone carrying a stick marched around the sidewalk yeling "who's burning the flag several times, When one of the gitls there asked what they wanted, she was shouted down by the skins. who spat on her as wel. Finally they began trashing the switchboard, and banging on the doors until one broke off. ‘One man who happened upon the scene Stood watching the skinneads’ activity Until one of them spit beer on him and ‘out of control” A police spokesman would not com: -ment on Bruce's allegation of a skinhead: police conference. “xn Reash ‘rocked hrs down witha fying kick. When hegot uphe was attacked by 10-15 skins who beat him mercilessly with sticks, bottles and a trash can. Even though he ‘Was out-numbered, he was at least able to {get in a few punches on one skinhead. ‘About ten hours later he was released from Beth Israel Hospital after receiving stiches on his head, cheek, neck and Fingers, By 6.00 PM, most of the skinheads involved with this attack wore part of an even larger group of skinheads (about 50) in Washington Square Park attending the flag burning rally there ‘Several times, teams of skins ganged up on anyone that objected to. their Intimidating people who didn't agree with them or thelr version of what the Amerikan flag represents, They also sel upon two ‘women from the Anarchist Switchboard who dared to stand their ground and nol back down. One of them was assaulted by ‘a mala and fomale skinhead who spit in fand then punched her in the face. The presence of many photographers there ‘nly encouraged the skins to further berate and surround gays and anarchists, threatening to beat anyone who disagreed wilh their point of view. They repeatedly chanted “usa, usa”, skinhead, drop dead (sic) skinhead?” and "bum 3 flag, we'l burn @ fag’, and there were many violent incidents whee skinheads struck and ‘spat upon people, allot which failed to get ‘a response from the police that wore standing near-by. This added ctedence to the clreulating rumors that police and Skinheads, Protesters Clash skins had cut a deal to allow the skins to beat and terrorize people at wil, without being arrested. Two flags were sécrelly burned and the perpetrators melted into the crowd, but for the most part twas the skinheads’ show. Inthe presence of police, one mane was beaten savagely for about ten minutes by skinheads afler he gave them a Nazi-tyle salute, As he bled profusely from his head he was hustled by police through the Crowd to a waiting ambulance. He was struck a few more times by the skins but the police did nothing about “Two ranking officers on the scene included Lt, McKenna and _ Inspector Gelfand, both of whom did nothing to stop the escalation of violent confrontations taking place. Finally after the skinheads began chasing people around the park a few times, itldoked like riot was going to ‘erupt, s0 the police decided to react by closing the park at 7:00 wilh help of helmeted riot cops as a bullhom blared ‘get cut of the park or you willbe subject to anest!” and "This isnot a spectator spot’ When he was asked wiy this was being done, Gelfand said “I's a dangerous condition situation’. After marching around the park a while longer, hoisting tho Amerikan flags on poles and singing "God Bless Amerika” , the skins left the park and marches back tothe East side. ‘Once on East Ninth Street, a group of 40 ‘skinheads attacked the ” Switchboard again, this time chasing a women who refused to give them film from her camera after she took photos ef their actions. A anon a Bike who tried to stop them was Jumped and begin tothe ground by skins, and after he gat outof the hospital, he said “al least she got away" By 8:00 the skins entered Tompkins ‘square Park where they were confronted by anarchist, punks, park regulars and many homeless persons from tent city, some of whom got ficks and clubs to mmaich the ones the skins were holding Emotions ran high and many people calisd for an attack to force the skinneads out of the park, but instead only a shouting match took place. Finally the ranking cop in the park came fon the scene and even he could tell that almost all of the skinheads were not from the Tompkins Square Park area, whereas almost all of the activists and homeless are, The skinheads left the are before any ‘actual fight broke out, then requested the homeless and therr supporters to put dawn. their sticks and his men tossed them in the garbage. The Shadow years. Beyond the Slab ithaut the benefit of police escort and so theif ‘On April 26th, They tied to make the word believe that the umost efor was putinto the cleaning, but Earth First! representatives who went Upthere bave another tale te “"AgrOup of people spent the summer up jin Alaska doing what Exxon was supposed 10 be doing. they called themselves the Volinteer Independent Cleanup Effort, oF Vie, and they cleaned beach area using & fock washer designed by a Homer fesidert. The group had the aim of proving that the cleanup was. possble, without destroying environment in the ‘process. Wie Vice ‘voluteers cleaned rocks individually using ® homemade machine, Exxon hired people for $17 an hour and fany case, Brownshirt-siye assaults on so mar ople in public, at random, is clearly far more} Significant than the fate of a piece of cloth, The} frie fag is clear: Theie tactics, which on July} ‘ourth had the blessing of the cops and which intimidated so many people into inaction, may} Jrow, with the President himself leading the way, come to be seen as downright patriotic, In] rmaniy leading up to 1993, right-wing vioience| 8 tolerated by a state that was cracking down| pr tne left. It looks like history is about to repeat itself withthe rise of a new wave of government sponsored right-wing militant fascism in our untry, that will give us new Wars as we lose| civil rights. FIGHT BACK! Dour only hope for freedom isto take control of e situation. We must be prepared to defend] Burselves, our ibery and justice left a trail of spray-painted| 42h | swastikasand racial slurs Sundayon a new: Jdowntown building, mailboxes, garages, homes and cars spread over more than a mile of Wellesly, Mass, Messages included racist, white-supremacist, anti-Semitic and fant-police slogans as we os swastikas. Police reporied over 50 separate omplaints in the incident which occurred fon the eve of Yom Kippur, a Jewish holiday, They said they had no suspects in ihe incident. We here at Ekomdia tend to jwonder if there is any connection with ropaganda perpetrated by any of those reat skinhead bands from near-by into the sea, That's what's really been happening up In Alaska. While VICE brought together environmentalists, fishers, hunters, anarchists and ex-Esoron workers together {for a positive direct action which works, Exxon just made more trouble, then pulled out saying the job was done, Sil, allthis didn't go without snags for the giant mutational. An Earth First activist chained herself to the front doors. lof Exxon in Valdez, while two others hung fa banner from the oof, which due to the EXXON FAKES A CLEANUP Exxon's pullout from Alaska, without having cleaned up a single beach to the ‘Alaska Departmentot Environmental Conservation's standards, hasn't received nearly enough attention from the public. Exxon’s oil rom the Valdez spill is stil ‘on the beeches and the big oll corporation is pulling out, having taken the cake 2| tor the biggest farce played on both the people and the environment in recent ‘Anchorage of the Ayeska Pipeline Company, a front for Sever! mutation! al ea Just boycotting on company they alin th together. Any

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