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Your name: Meghan Falcon

Title of the text: Clinton testify

Genre: expressions

1.NOTICINGS What do you notice about the text?

2.ANALYSIS QUESTIONS List the elements that


Describe it in as much detail as possible; use objective,

nonjudgmental descriptors:

make up the work, and then raise questions about the choices
the artist / author / creator made while developing the text.

created the text? Did one person produce it? a team? an

organization or corporation? What medium is used to
communicate the texts message?

- ways to read an expression

- crows feet
- looking at the eyes
- looking at the lips
- looking at the muscles at the face
- reading contempt and surprise
- different types of emotions
- micro-expressions

- How did they learn this technique?

- How can you tell these expressions when they only last for a
- How are there different types of emotions?
- How come you can not fake some micro-expressions?
- How did you learn this tricks on how to tell if a liar is lying when
they practiced all the myths?

- a person wrote the text

- they used an internet article to communicate their message

Brainstorm a list of the texts connections to social, cultural,

and/or historical contexts.
- to tell when someone is lying in life
- to read micro-expressions or an expression so we know how to
react or act toward someone

4.TOUCHSTONES Describe the texts audience, and



then list the rhetorical devices (logical, emotional, and/ or ethical

appeals) the creator of the text employs to enhance the
plausibility of his/her message.

Review the notes in boxes one through four. Circle the ideas or
questions that you find especially compelling. Use this space to
generate more questions or to explore the thoughts in more

drafting an inquiry question, a generative, open-ended question

that will guide the analysis. Usually, such questions begin with
how or what.

- the audience of the text is people who are interested in reading

peoples expressions and body language
- the text uses logical things that most people miss when they
look at someones face
- some of these expressions are so tiny or last for a second but
once you study them you can logically understand and see them
- so you can logical tell between a fake and real expression

- How can you tell the difference between different expressions?

- How are you able to read certain expressions?

Questions to ask to help you interpret the meaning of the text:

What ideas might the artist have been trying to convey? To whom? Why? (Touchstones)
What in your own life are you reminded of as you observe this text? (Touchstones)
What does the text mean to you personally? How did the creator of the text reach you with its message? (Touchstones)
What are some of the issues with which the artist was concerned? (Context)
What might the text mean to society as a whole? (Context)

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