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vsftpd (Very Secure File Transport Protocol Daemon) is a secure , fast

FTP server for Unix/Linux systems.

Port Number: 20,21
Configuration file: /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf

Step1: Installvsftpd
Run the following command in terminal to install vsftpd package:
[root@linkshare ~]# yum install ftp vsftpd* -y

Step2: Create a local user to login to FTP server

[root@linkshare ~]# ushered user1;passwd user1
Changing password for user user1.
New password:
BAD PASSWORD: it is too simplistic/systematic
BAD PASSWORD: is too simple
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Step3: Create some files in pub folder

[root@linkshare pub]# touch keylabs01_ftp.txtkeylabs02_ftp.txt
[root@linkshare pub]# ls



Step4: Configuration fileis /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf

Step5: Set anon_upload_enable=YES; save and close it

Restart the service vsftpd

Step6: Disable the iptables

Step7: Disable the selinux

Step8: If Selinux is enforcing

Then, enable the selinux Booleans for ftp
[root@linkshare /]# setsebool -P ftp_home_dir on
[root@linkshare /]# setsebool -P allow_ftpd_full_access on
[root@linkshare /]# setsebool -P allow_ftpd_anon_write on

Step9: Login to ftp server via anonymous user

Note: Anonymous user doesnt require password to login.[Press enter
for password]

Step10: Create some files to upload in /var/ftp/pub

Step11: provide full permissions on /var/ftp/pub

Step12: Try upload the files into /avr/ftp/pub

Step13: Now, login to FTP server via local user

Step14: Download the files from /var/ftp/pub

Step15: Check for the download files

Step16: Create some files and upload into /var/ftp/pub

Step17: Check for the uploaded files in /var/ftp/pub

[root@linkshare /]# cd /var/ftp/pub/
[root@linkshare pub]# ls
keylabs01_ftp.txt keylabs02_ftp.txt keylabs03_ftp.txt
upload_ftp01.txt upload_ftp02.txt value_01.txt value_02.txt

Step18:Now, change the default values to NO

Step19: Restart the service vsftpd

Step20: Try connecting to FTP server

Step21: Blocking user1 to access to FTP services.

Note: Edit /etc/vsftpd/ftpusers with a username to be blocked.

Step22: Restart the service and try to connect FTP server via user1

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