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sos Interest itring | ParenTeacher Metin Transit Rimage Maggie: Yes, he knows it's important to be able to spell better. But he's always had trouble getting his words know, when he's writing. You don't think there's anything more serious wrong with him, do you? Mr. Jarvis: I think it's possible he may have a mild form of dyslexia. You've heard of dyslexia, haven't you? Maggie: Yes, of course I have. But you're not seriously suggesting Billy has dyslexia, are you? Mr. Jarvis him to see a specialist and I wanted to speak to you about it first. This wouldn't be a problem for you, would it? Dyslexia comes in many shapes and sizes...of different severity. I would like to send Maggie: No, of course not. I'll do anything I can to help. You've got me really worried now though... Mr. Jarvis: Oh Mrs. Brown, it's nothing to worry about. My own son had a mild form of dyslexia when he was Billy's age and he's now a published author! Telephone the school office tomorrow morning and we can arrange an appointment for early next week. Maggie: Ok, thank you Mr. Jarvis. I'll telephone the office at 9 o'clock sharp. Mr, Jarvis: That'll be fine. Now, have a good evening.

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