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Acute lymphangitis is usually caused by fatty and spicy food or

contamination of the skin. The former may lead to

accumulation of heat in zang-fu organs and then production of
endogenous toxicity. The latter may result in invasion of the
exogenous toxic factor and stagnation of qi and blood. It would
be dangerous if the pathogenic toxic factor is transmitted into
the meridians and the zang-fu organs. The therapeutic principle
includes clearing the heat, purging pathogenic fire and
The point at pain-affected side is sticked lastly with triangleedged needle, extruding mucosal fluid. Once 2 day, 10 times a
Xi point of meridian on red line. ff which meridian belonging to
the red line cannot determined clearly, approaches or process
Xi point by the red line. Holds back by the hand takes the Xi
point near heart end, is away from 2-3 cm, fast inserting 5
times assumes the quincunx approximately, causes it
hemorrhage like bead. And the red line end to be punctured 12 times, bloodletting a little. Every other day one time, a 10
treatment course.
First, the acute lymphnoditis forms when abscess should cut
open the drainage promptly, the drainage decompression, in
order to avoid infection proliferation. After cutting open the
drainage, should trade the medicine regularly, holds the injured
area is clean. 2nd, the having a fever patient should the multipotable waters, reinforce the diet recuperation, enters has the
diet lightly which the nutrition easy to digest. 3rd, the detection
lymph node tumescent should go to the hospital seeing a
doctor to clarify the nature promptly, is the tuberculosis,
lymphoma or cancer lymph node transfer, in order to help aims
at the treatment.

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